§ 11.5.1. Encourage Housing, Commercial and Retail Uses that Support Transit and Generate Pedestrian Activity.  

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  • Encourage Transit-Supportive Uses

    Transit supportive uses tend to generate high pedestrian traffic which promotes greater transit ridership and provides opportunities for the mixing of land uses and multi-purpose trips. A mix of uses can generate transit trips throughout the day and encourage reverse commuting along the transit system by creating multiple destinations. Transit supportive uses should be located as close to the station as possible; 1/4 mile radius or approximately 2,000 feet is understood to be a generally accepted walking distance. Below are some examples of land uses, that when designed in conjunction with the site development and building design standards of the TOD interim regulations, are desirable for Transit-oriented development.

    Multifamily Cocktail Lounge
    Condominiums and Townhouses Indoor Entertainment
    Hospital Services Financial Services
    Educational Small lot single-family
    Cultural Services Administrative and Business Offices
    Community Recreation Hotels
    General Retail Personal services
    Food Sales Restaurants


    Discourage Non-transit Supportive Uses

    Non-transit supportive uses tend to generate little transit ridership and are often dependent upon a vehicle for transporting goods. These uses may consume large amounts of land for parking, result in extremely low density development, and create environments that are unsafe and uninteresting for pedestrians. In the case where these uses are proposed within the TOD district boundary, it becomes even more imperative to work towards meeting the intent of the Interim Regulations to insure that all mobility modes are safely balanced.

    Automotive sales Automotive Repair services
    Automotive Washing Outdoor storage
    Warehousing and distribution Funeral homes
    Low density single-family Light Manufacturing


    Discourage Non-Transit Supportive Development Forms

    In addition, certain auto-oriented development forms are undesirable for encouraging TOD. These include:

    Retail in the form of a large warehouse Excessive surface parking
    Uses that incorporate a Drive Through Parks scaled for regional use