§ 11.5.6. Manage the Amount and Location of Parking so that it Does Not Dominate Station Areas and Create Unattractive Environments and Unsafe Situations.  

Latest version.
  • O In general, parking should be located to the rear and sides of buildings to keep the station and building entrances oriented to the sidewalk and to pedestrians; buildings wrapped around surface or structured parking ensure that building facades interface with the sidewalk or pedestrian realm.

    O Smaller surface parking lots do not overwhelm a station area; larger parking lots can be divided into smaller lots and separated by landscaped walkways

    O Structured parking is encouraged as it consumes less land and allows maximum development; if located along key walking routes, parking structures should enhance the public environment with pedestrian-friendly facades and be designed to accommodate ground floor retail or other "active" uses where viable.

    O Parking facilities should be sized and located to enhance shared-use strategies between station area destinations.

    O Consider using traffic lanes as midday or temporary tow-away parking to buffer pedestrian traffic and to provide additional short-term parking to support station area uses.

    O Bicycle parking should be provided since they can extend the local commuting range beyond the typical 2,000 feet. Ample, convenient and secure bicycle parking should be provided at each station, close to the entrance.
