§ 12.1.2. Building Design Standards  

Latest version.
  • Buildings, including enclosed and unenclosed parking garages, shall avoid long expanses of blank, unarticulated exterior walls visible from a street, public plaza or public open space. The direction given here regarding massing and articulation of a building's public exterior is considered a matter of human comfort, achievable in any architectural style or design approach.

    For a project to be in compliance with the design guidelines, it must score a minimum of 8 points using the following point system:


    interruptions in the plane of a building façade shall be introduced at a spacing not to exceed 40-feet. This can be achieved through the articulation of wall surfaces, changes in fenestration patterns, or other building design elements. (2 points)


    use of contrasting materials, textures and colors, (2 points)


    introduction of windows and openings that promote visual and physical interaction between interior of building and street activity (2 points),


    the use of awnings or colonnades at street level, (1 point)


    variety of the roof line, (1 point)


    articulation of building entrances so they are distinguished from the general massing of the building, (1 point)


    the use of functional elements such as balconies or projected window boxes to promote the breakdown of a façade. (1 points)