§ 14.1.12. Commercial Activity  

Latest version.
  • (A)



    Unless a person is specifically authorized to do so by a permit or contract, or is acting in conjunction with a specifically permitted use of a reserved park facility; a person may not:


    sell or rent a good or service in a park;


    place a stand, cart, or vehicle in a park for a commercial purpose;


    affix an advertisement to park property.


    Providing Commercial Classes and Instruction.


    A person may not conduct classes or instructional activities for compensation in a park unless the person obtains a contract from PARD.


    A person may not provide a free class or instruction as an inducement or advertisement for a paid class or instruction, unless the person has a contract from PARD to conduct classes for compensation.


    Performing Artists.


    A person may perform as an artist or entertainer in a park, but the person:


    may not block a sidewalk or trail, or impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic;


    may not block or impede access to a park concession;


    may not perform at a restricted-access event without the written permission of the event organizer;


    may not juggle potentially hazardous materials or items such as knives or fire; and


    must comply with all otherwise applicable ordinances and rules.

Source: Rule No. R0161-14.25, 11-19-14 .