§ 14.3.1. Purpose  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    These rules constitute the Parkland Dedication Operating Procedures (hereafter "PDOP") required under City Code § 25-1-609 (Administrative Authority). The PDOP is used by the director in administering the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, codified in Chapter 25-1, Article 14 (Parkland Dedication), or its successor Code.


    The criteria and standards adopted in the PDOP:


    guide the director's determination on whether to require parkland dedication or allow payment of a fee in-lieu of parkland dedication, consistent with criteria established under the Parkland Dedication Ordinance;


    specify standards for dedicated parkland;


    establish application requirements for parkland dedication, including requests for payment of a fee in-lieu; and


    provide general policy direction, for the benefit of applicants, neighborhoods, and other City departments, regarding the administration and enforcement of the Parkland Dedication Ordinance.


    Terms in this document are as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan Imagine Austin; the Land Development Code, 25-1 Article 14; and the Parks and Recreation Department Long Range Plan.

Source: Rule No. R161-16.15 , 9-19-16.