§ 14.3.7. Supplemental Standards for Dedicated Parkland  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    PARD shall evaluate the suitability of land available for dedication under the standards established in City Code § 25-1-603 (Standards for Dedicated Parkland) and on the additional standards described in this section.


    The interior of a park should be visible from an existing or proposed public right-of-way. In order to achieve this visibility, a park of two or more acres in size should include at least 200 feet of right-of-way frontage for every two acres of credited parkland. For a park smaller than two acres, the right-of-way frontage should be no less than half of the width of the park at its widest point. Right-of-way frontage on at least two sides of a park is recommended. Exceptions to the recommended frontage may be acceptable to accommodate environmental, historical, topographic, or other constraints; a park that serves mainly as a greenbelt; or a critical park need.


    At least 50 percent of dedicated parkland site should be less than 10% grade, well drained, and suitable for active play, unless the Parks Department's only intent is to provide a connection or to preserve an environmental or cultural resource.


    The proposed land shall not be encumbered by recorded easements, or easements proposed to be recorded, such that it prevents construction of recreation amenities desired on the parkland.


    In order to accept land for dedication, PARD must be able to connect it to potable water on all park sites and to sewer on sites of two acres or larger. Site plans and subdivision applications must demonstrate sufficient water and wastewater capacity to serve the park.


    Parkland should be accessible to those in the neighborhood, either by walking or by the provision of parking.


    Locating parkland in a central location within the development is preferred, except where:


    the park is adjacent to an existing or proposed school site, other parkland, or a greenway;


    a location at the edge of a subdivision will facilitate the combination of dedicated park areas to form a single park to serve two or more subdivisions. (To this end, applicants are encouraged to contact adjoining landowners and present a schematic plan proposing joint dedication); or


    a central location would not be accessible to the public.


    If the Parks Department finds it necessary for optimum park placement, tracts to be dedicated may be split into two (2) or more separate park sites as long as:


    No site is less than ¼-acre in size;


    Each site meets parkland standards; and


    Splitting the tract will not adversely affect ecological connectivity for wildlife habitat, vegetative species diversity and protection of steep slopes, or interfere with other City Comprehensive Plan goals and city policies.


    If doing so would achieve greater consistency with the standards in Subsection (A), PARD may allow an applicant to dedicate parkland required for a subdivision at another site owned by the same applicant within:


    ¼-mile, for areas within the Parkland Dedication Urban Core established by City Code § 25-1-601(8); or


    ½-mile, for areas outside of the Parkland Dedication Urban Core.

Source: Rule No. R161-16.15, 9-19-16 .