§ 14.3.9. Determining Superiority  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    This section specifies the criteria that PARD applies in determining if land proposed for dedication would result in "superior development" for purposes of evaluating an application for a Municipal Utility District (MUD), Public Improvement District (PID), or Planned Unit Development zoning district (PUD).


    To be considered "superior development," land proposed for dedication must:


    include at least 10.4 credited acres per 1,000 residents, which reflects the combined citywide level-of-service for neighborhood, greenway, and district parks (This amount exceeds by one acre the parkland dedication required under City Code § 25-1-602(E) that is based on a lower citywide level-of-service and includes only neighborhood parks and greenbelts.);


    be developed in accordance with a plan approved by PARD; and


    be dedicated to a governmental entity.


    The 15% cap on parkland dedication in the urban core delineated in City Code § 25-1-602(J) does not apply to PUDs or PIDs for determining superiority.

Source: Rule No. R161-16.15 , 9-19-16.