§ 1.2.6. Building Permit - Demolition and Relocation: Permit Submittal and Review Process
An applicant for a residential demolition permit shall provide the following:
A completed application for residential demolition, including notarized signatures from the legal owner(s) as identified by the Travis Central Appraisal District authorizing the demolition of the structure. If the applicant is not the same person indicated as the legal owner, then connecting documents showing the transfer of the property to the applicant OR a notarized letter from the legal owner authorizing the applicant to apply for a demolition permit for the property is required. If the legal owner is deceased, a notarized letter from the deceased's Power of Attorney or Trust is required. If the owner is a corporation, proof that the person signing on behalf of the corporation is so authorized is required.
A site plan or survey to scale showing the street address, location of the structure on the site and dimensions of the structure, clearly identifying the structure(s) or portions of each structure to be demolished. The plan shall be on paper not be larger than 8½ × 14 inches in size.
A certified tax certificate for the property on which the structure is located from the Travis County Tax Appraiser's Office. Copies are not accepted. If the applicant is not the same person indicated on the tax certificate as the legal owner of the property, then connecting documents showing the transfer of the property to the applicant OR a notarized letter from the legal owner authorizing the applicant to apply for a demolition permit for the property is required. If the person shown on the tax certificate is deceased, a notarized letter from the deceased's Power of Attorney or Trust is required. If the owner is a corporation, proof that the person signing on behalf of the corporation is so authorized is required.
At least one photograph of the structure, showing an oblique (front and one side) view. In cases of partial demolition, the photograph must show the portion or portions of the building to be demolished.
Verification from WPDRD that new construction will be permitted at this location.
Verification that the Historic Preservation Office has released the permit, if required.
An applicant for a commercial demolition permit shall provide the following:
A completed application for commercial demolition, including notarized signatures from the legal owner(s) as identified by the Travis Central Appraisal District authorizing the demolition of the structure. If the applicant is not the same person indicated as the legal owner, then connecting documents showing the transfer of the property to the applicant OR a notarized letter from the legal owner authorizing the applicant to apply for a demolition permit for the property is required. If the legal owner is deceased, a notarized letter from the deceased's Power of Attorney or Trust is required. If the owner is a corporation, proof that the person signing on behalf of the corporation is so authorized is required.
A site plan or survey to scale showing the street address, location of the structure on the site and dimensions of the structure, clearly identifying the structure(s) or portions of each structure to be demolished. The plan shall be on paper not be larger than 8½ × 14 inches in size.
A certified tax certificate for the property on which the structure is located from the Travis County Tax Appraiser's Office. Copies are not accepted. If the applicant is not the same person indicated on the tax certificate as the legal owner of the property, then connecting documents showing the transfer of the property to the applicant OR a notarized letter from the legal owner authorizing the applicant to apply for a demolition permit for the property is required. If the person shown on the tax certificate is deceased, a notarized letter from the deceased's Power of Attorney or Trust is required. If the owner is a corporation, proof that the person signing on behalf of the corporation is so authorized is required.
At least one photograph of the structure, showing an oblique (front and one side) view. In cases of partial demolition, the photograph must show the portion or portions of the building to be demolished.
An approved red-stamped site plan or an approved site development determination/exemption form.
A completed TDH notification form (asbestos survey).
Verification that the Historic Preservation Office has released the permit, if required.
An applicant for a relocation permit to move a structure outside of the city limits shall provide the following:
A completed application for relocation, including notarized signatures from the legal owner(s) as identified by the Travis Central Appraisal District authorizing the relocation of the structure. If the applicant is not the same person indicated as the legal owner, then connecting documents showing the transfer of the property to the applicant OR a letter from the legal owner authorizing the applicant to apply for a relocation permit for the property is required. If the legal owner is deceased, a notarized letter from the deceased's Power of Attorney or Trust is required. If the owner is a corporation, proof that the person signing on behalf of the corporation is so authorized is required.
A floor plan of the structure, showing the exterior dimensions, on paper no larger than 8½″ × 14″ in size.
A certified tax certificate for the property on which the structure is located from the Travis County Tax Appraiser's Office. Copies are not accepted. If the applicant is not the same person indicated on the tax certificate as the legal owner of the property, then connecting documents showing the transfer of the property to the applicant OR a letter from the legal owner authorizing the applicant to apply for a demolition permit for the property is required. If the person shown on the tax certificate is deceased, a notarized letter from the deceased's Power of Attorney or Trust is required. If the owner is a corporation, proof that the person signing on behalf of the corporation is so authorized is required.
At least one photograph of the structure, showing an oblique (front and one side) view.
The name, address, and phone number of the authorized moving contractor. The moving contractor must have up-to-date insurance requirements on file with the City Permit Center.
An applicant for a relocation permit to move a structure within the jurisdiction of the City of Austin or to the jurisdiction of the City of Austin from another locale shall provide the following:
A completed application for relocation, including notarized signatures from the legal owner(s) of both the property where the structure is now located AND the destination property as identified by the Travis Central Appraisal District authorizing the relocation of the structure. If the applicant is not the same person indicated as the legal owner, then connecting documents showing the transfer of the property to the applicant OR a notarized letter from the legal owner authorizing the applicant to apply for a relocation permit for the property is required. If the legal owner is deceased, a notarized letter from the deceased's Power of Attorney or Trust is required. If the owner is a corporation, proof that the person signing on behalf of the corporation is so authorized is required.
A floor plan of the structure, showing the exterior dimensions, on paper no larger than 8½″ × 14″ in size.
A certified tax certificate for the property on which the structure is located AND for the destination property from the Travis County Tax Appraiser's Office. Copies are not accepted. If the applicant is not the same person indicated on the tax certificate as the legal owner of either property, then connecting documents showing the transfer of the property to the applicant OR a letter from the legal owner authorizing the applicant to apply for a relocation permit for the property is required. If the person shown on the tax certificate is deceased, a notarized letter from the deceased's Power of Attorney or Trust is required. If the owner is a corporation, proof that the person signing on behalf of the corporation is so authorized is required.
At least one photograph of the structure, showing an oblique (front and one side) view.
The name, address, and phone number of the authorized moving contractor. The moving contractor must have up-to-date insurance requirements on file with the City Permit Center.
A complete residential building application.
A complete plot plan drawn to scale showing the following information on paper no larger than 8½″ × 14″:
Lot dimensions
Dimensions of all structures to be moved onto the lot
Setback measurements from all property lines
A document indicating legal lot status, if required.
A document indicating approval of any variances granted from the Board of Adjustment.
A zoning review and a building permit from the Watershed Protection and Development Review Department.
Tap receipts for water and wastewater service - these may be provided at the time the permit is issued.
Foundation plans sealed by an architect or an engineer (required at inspection).
The Building Official shall post a sign on the subject site at least 10 days prior to the public hearing before the Historic Landmark Commission, if a public hearing is required.
No demolition, repair, loading, or preparation for relocation or demolition activity shall be performed prior to the issuance of the demolition or relocation permit. Proof of approved tree protections and tree removal shall be required prior to the commencement of demolition, relocation, or construction.