§ 1.9.1. Flood Plain Information Request Form


Requests for alterations within a flood plain, in accordance with applications for site plan approvals, shall be accompanied by a report containing the following information:


A plant inventory is required. At least one (1) on site botanical inventory must be accomplished to verify the presence, absence or extent of any Protected Riparian Areas.


A map and description of major vegetation types, including dominant canopy, understory and ground cover species;


A listing of the scientific and common names alphabetically with alphabetically ordered families. This list shall include grasses and forbs in addition to woody species;


Locations, species, approximate heights and diameters of all trees greater than eight (8) inches in diameter, measured at a height of four and one-half (4 1/2) feet above natural grade level;


Date(s) of botanical field inventory(ies).


In lieu of a plant inventory, certification by a qualified botanist or ecologist that no protected riparian areas occur within the limits of construction shall be submitted.


A soils map overlaid on and at the same scale as the topographic map submitted with the application;


An overlay on the topographic map indicating the locations and boundaries of protected riparian areas within the proposed construction/alteration area; and


Specifications for the protection of protected riparian areas.


When the requested modification is to alleviate a flooding hazard, the following additional information shall be submitted:


Identification of flood hazards requiring alterations;


Identification of geotechnical features (e.g., faults, fractures, fill areas or potentially unstable slopes).