§ Plot Plan:  

Latest version.
  • Plot plans must be drawn to an acceptable scale. Plot plans are to include but are not limited to the following items:

    • property address

    • legal description

    • north arrow

    • drawing scale

    • critical root zones of trees equal to or greater than 19 inches in diameter located on the property and/or on immediately adjacent properties or rights of way

    • dimensioned property lines and property pin locations

    • adjacent rights of way, including name, width and surfacing material

    • existing and proposed improvements with exterior wall dimensions

    • high and low point of grade adjacent to each structure

    • permanent benchmark

    • easements

    • required zoning setbacks

    • roof overhangs

    • water meter and wastewater cleanout locations

    • underground and overhead utility lines and appurtenances

    • driveways and driveway aprons

    • storm sewer inlets and/or manholes

    • sidewalks both located on the property or within the ROW

    • pools/spas

    • water and/or wastewater line size and material

    • septic location and drain field (if applicable)

    • other impervious surfaces located on the property

    • regulatory boundaries (city limit lines, zoning district boundaries, flood plain boundaries, etc.)