Austin |
Building Criteria Manual |
Appendix 4.4.5. Subchapter F Exhibits |
§ Basement Exemptions:
Sufficient exhibits must be submitted within the plan set demonstrating compliance with Title 25-2 Subchapter F. The following minimum items are required for review of exempted basements:
Floor plans submitted must clearly depict that the basement is fully contained within the first story footprint and no portion of the basement extends beyond the first story footprint.
A separate exhibit must be submitted depicting that the finished floor of the first story is not more than three feet (36 inches) above the average elevation at the intersections of the minimum front yard setback line and the side property lines. The best way to depict this information is with a section view of the front building elevation with the side property lines at the minimum front yard setback line included in the section view. The exhibit will include: the two spot elevations (labeled with text) at the intersection of the minimum front yard setback line and side property lines, a line depicting the average (labeled with text) of the spot elevations, a line depicting the finished floor elevation (labeled with text) of the first story, and one dimensioned line (labeled with text) depicting compliance with the requirement that the finished floor of the first story is not more than three feet (36 inches) above the average elevation of the two spot elevations at the intersections of the minimum front yard setback line.
A separate exhibit(s) must be submitted depicting that the basement is surrounded by natural grade for at least 50% of its perimeter. The best way to depict this information is by unfolding the walls of the basement in elevation view(s) that depict the natural grade line and how much area of each wall is below the natural grade and how much area of each wall is above natural grade. In addition, a summary table or tabular calculation based on the exhibits(s) must be included to demonstrate compliance with this requirement.