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  • Section 6.3 provides a reference chart for the minimum life safety maintenance requirement for a building to exist. Applies to all residential occupancies, and includes a guideline for the type of work requiring a Permit.

    The chart applies to existing residential structures and is organized by:


    Building Code Component or Feature in alphabetical order;


    The corresponding Minimum Property Maintenance Code Requirement for Existing Buildings;


    Component Definition, Code Section or Reference;


    General Comments and/or Reference.

    Building Component or Feature Minimum Property Maintenance Code requirement for Existing Buildings Definition, Code Section, or
    Repairs on Existing Structures (Permit or NO Permit) and general comments (IEBC Section 101.4.1) for Legally Occupied Structures
    Balcony Balconies must be properly attached and maintained in sound condition and in good repair, and in accordance with the Code in effect at the time of construction.
    Section 304 Exterior Structure (IRC Ch. 2): An exterior floor projecting from and supported by a structure without additional independent support.
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Bathroom (one- or two-family dwelling)
    1) Bathrooms, Toilet Rooms, and Sinks - Every dwelling unit shall have a bathroom with a tub and/or shower and a water closet (toilet). The lavatory (bathroom sink) must be in the bathroom or toilet room or near the door leading to the bathroom or toilet room. 2) Every dwelling unit must have a kitchen sink, but the kitchen sink cannot substitute for the bathroom sink. All toilet rooms and bathrooms must provide privacy.
    Section 502 Required Facilities (one- or two-family dwelling unit) (UPC, IPMC): A group of fixtures consisting of a water closet, one or two lavatories and either a bathtub, a combination bath/shower, or a shower, and may include a urinal or a bidet or an emergency floor drain. (UPC) A room containing plumbing fixtures including a bathtub and a shower (IPMC).
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Bathroom (Rooming units, Boarding units, and Hotels)
    In rooming houses and boarding houses - there must be at least 1 toilet, bathroom sink, and bathtub and/or shower for every four rooming or boarding units. In hotels - that do not provide private toilets, bathroom sinks, and/or tub showers, there must be one of each of these plumbing fixtures for every 10 occupants. The toilet rooms or bathrooms that are not private must not be more than one floor away from rooming units, boarding units, or hotel rooms they serve. In all facilities other than dwelling units, the toilet room floor must have a smooth, hard, non-absorbent surface.
    Section 502 Required Facilities (not one- or two-family dwelling unit): See kitchen also.

    Bathroom Privacy Requirement (multiple dwellings)
    All toilet rooms and bathrooms must provide privacy, and interior locking must be provided for the door for common or shared bathrooms in a multiple dwelling.
    Section 503.1 Privacy.

    Must contain at least 70 square feet. A bedroom may not be the only way to access another bedroom or habitable spaces unless the dwelling unit contains fewer than 2 bedrooms. Every bedroom must have access to at least 1 water closet (toilet) and one lavatory (bathroom sink) without passing through another bedroom, and the water closet (toilet) and lavatory (bathroom sink) must be located on the same story as the bedroom. Kitchens and non habitable spaces may not be used for sleeping purposes.
    Section 404 Bedrooms (IPMC): Any room or space used or intended to be used for sleeping purposes in either a dwelling or sleeping unit. Sleeping Unit refers to a room used for sleeping, which may also include provisions for living, eating, and/or either sanitation or bathing facilities (such as an efficiency apartment).

    Boarding Houses
    Must meet the requirements of a dwelling unit.
    Section 201.1 Boarding Houses (IPMC): A building, other than a hotel, where lodging with meals for more than six (6) unrelated persons is provided for compensation.

    Ceiling Heights - Minimum
    In general, the ceiling height of habitable spaces, hallways, corridors, laundry areas, bathrooms, toilet rooms, and habitable basement areas must be at least 7 feet. Ceiling height may comply with the exceptions listed in the International Property Maintenance Code and/or the code adopted when the building was constructed.
    Section 404.3 Minimum Ceiling Heights (IPMC)
    See Common Life Safety Components Chart, BCM Section 6.5.
    Must be properly attached and maintained in sound condition and in good repair, and in accordance with the Code in effect at the time of construction.
    Section 304 Exterior Structure (Chimney) (IRC Ch. 2): A primary vertical structure containing one or more flues, for the purpose of carrying gaseous products of combustion and air from a fuel-burning appliance to the outside atmosphere.
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Clothes Dryer Exhaust
    Clothes dryer exhausts may not be connected to other ventilation systems and must be exhausted according to manufacturer's specifications.
    Section 403 (IPMC)

    Every exterior deck shall be maintained structurally sound, in good repair, with proper anchorage and capable of supporting the imposed loads. Structural engineering may be required to verify footings, foundations and attachment to structure.
    Section 304 (IPMC) and Chapter 2 (IRC) An exterior floor system supported on at least two opposing sides by an adjoining structure and/or posts, piers, or other independent supports.
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Exterior doors, door assemblies and hardware shall be maintained in good condition, and the door and frame shall be kept in sound condition, good repair and weather tight.
    Section 304 (IPMC) An entrance way, a barrier which swings, slides, tilts or folds to enclose an opening in a wall. (Architectural Construction Dictionary)
    Exterior door replacement which includes the door frame/jamb requires a permit. For exceptions for door maintenance, See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Locks at all entrances to dwelling units and sleeping units shall tightly secure the door. Locks on means of egress doors shall be readily openable from the side from which egress is to be made without the need for keys, special knowledge* or effort, except where door hardware conforms to that permitted by the IBC.
    Section 304 and 702 (IPMC) *Examples of special knowledge include but are not limited to combination locks or an unlocking device in an unknown, unexpected or hidden location.
    Exterior door replacement which includes the door frame/jamb requires a permit. For exceptions for door maintenance, See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Doors/Building Security
    Must be maintained in sound condition and weather tight. Doors in Dwelling Units - Doors that provide access to and/or egress from a dwelling unit shall be equipped with a deadbolt lock designed to open from inside the dwelling unit without a key or special knowledge*. A sliding bolt is not considered a deadbolt lock complying with this standard. The lock throw must not be less than one inch and shall tightly secure the door. Deadbolt locks shall be installed and maintained to manufacturer's specification. Every interior door must reasonably fit within its frame; be capable of being opened and closed; and be installed with hardware, jambs, and headers as intended by manufacturer's specifications.
    Section 304 (IPMC) *Examples of special knowledge include but are not limited to combination locks or an unlocking device in an unknown, unexpected or hidden location.
    Exterior door replacement which includes the door frame/jamb requires a permit. For exceptions for door maintenance, See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Dwelling Unit

    Section 202 IPMC. A single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.

    Dwelling Unit minimum plumbing fixtures
    Every dwelling unit shall contain its own bathtub or shower, lavatory, water closet and kitchen sink which shall be maintained in a sanitary, safe working condition. The lavatory shall be placed in the same room as the water closet or located in close proximity to the door leading directly into the room in which such water closet is located. A kitchen sink shall not be used as a substitute for the required lavatory.
    Section 502 Dwelling Units (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Dwelling Unit Electrical Equipment
    All habitable space in every dwelling unit must have receptacles, lights and switches as required by the applicable code at the time the unit was built. The receptacles and switches must meet accessibility height requirements in place at time of original dwelling unit construction. In no case, may any space within a dwelling unit have less than two receptacles that are separate and remote from each other, and all habitable space must have at least one light and switch. Every laundry area/room must have one grounded-type receptacle or a receptacle with a ground-fault circuit interrupter. Every bathroom must contain at least one receptacle, and any new bathroom receptacle shall have a ground-fault circuit interrupter.
    Section 604 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Dwelling Unit - Efficiency
    An efficiency unit can have 2 occupants if it has a clear floor area of at least 220 square feet, and 320 square feet for 3 occupants. This clear floor area calculation excludes the area of the kitchen sink, cooking appliance, refrigerator, and a separate bathroom that contains a water closet (toilet), lavatory (bathroom sink), and bathtub or shower. The kitchen sink, cooking appliance, and refrigerator must have a clear working space of at least 30 inches in front. Efficiency units must maintain the required accessibility standards adopted when the dwelling unit was built. No more than 3 people can occupy an efficiency unit.
    Section 404 Efficiency Unit (IPMC)
    See Common Life Safety Components Chart, BCM Section 6.5.
    Electrical System Hazards
    All electrical and electrical service equipment must meet and be maintained to applicable Electrical Code standards and accessibility standards. All electrical hazards caused by inadequate service; improper fusing; insufficient receptacles and lighting outlets; improper wiring or installation; deteriorated or damaged wiring must be abated as required by the code official.
    Section 604 Electrical System Hazards (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Elevators must be installed and maintained to all applicable standards, including but not limited to, code and accessibility standards.
    The State mandates legal requirements for elevators.
    Also see IBC IFC.
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Employee Facilities
    Employees must have access to at least one water closet (toilet); bathroom sink; and drinking facility. The toilet rooms or bathrooms for employees must have access from the employee work area; must not be more than one floor away from the employee work area; and the travel distance to these employee facilities must not exceed 500 feet. All bathrooms, toilet rooms, and sinks must meet the accessibility standards adopted when the building was built.
    Sections 502 and 503 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    There must be a safe, continuous, and unobstructed path from any point of a building or structure to the public way. Means of egress shall comply with the Fire Code.
    Section 702 (IPMC) Applies to all residential occupancy.
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    See Common Life Safety Components Chart, BCM Section 6.5.
    Egress, Emergency Escape Openings
    Required emergency escape and rescue openings shall be operational from the inside of the room without the use of keys or tools. Bars, grills, grates or similar devices are permitted to be placed over emergency escape and rescue openings, provided the minimum net clear opening size complies with the code that was in effect at the time of construction and such devices shall be releaseable or removeable from the inside without the use of a key, tool or force greater than that which is required for normal operation of the escape and rescue opening.
    Section 702 Emergency Escape (IPMC)
    Removal of bars, grills or grates is exempt from permitting requirement. See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Replacing or installing any windows requires a permit. See Replacement Window Requirements, Common Life Safety Components Chart, BCM Section 6.5.
    Egress - Emergency Escape Openings and Alternate Methods of Compliance
    Alternative Methods (IPMC): 1) The owner of residentially occupied building that has one or more sleeping rooms that lack a window with the dimensions required by Sec.702 of the IPMC may comply through the use of alternate methods. 2) The owner of residentially occupied building that has one or more sleeping rooms in which the height of the sill for the window required by Sec.702 of the IPMC exceed the maximum permissible distance from the floor may comply through the use of alternate methods.
    Section 702 Emergency Escape (IPMC)
    See Replacement Window Requirements, Common Life Safety Components Chart, BCM Section 6.5.
    Exterior Surfaces - Protective Treatment of
    All exterior surfaces of the building including doors, walls, roofs, windows, porches, etc. must be protected so that they are weather resistant and water tight. Flaking or chipping paint is not permitted.
    Section 304 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Exterior Walls
    Must be weatherproof and waterproof and free from holes, breaks and rotted and/or damaged material.
    Section 304 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Fire Resistance
    All required fire resistance systems and all openings in fire-resistance assemblies must be installed and maintained to the standards required when the building was built. Required fire-resistance rating means the required rating of walls or floors at the time of construction. Fire doors and smoke barrier doors shall not be blocked or obstructed or otherwise made inoperable.
    Section 703 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment
    All systems, devices and equipment to detect a fire, actuate an alarm, or suppress or control a fire or any combination thereof shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times in accordance with the Fire Code.
    Section 704 (IPMC) (IFC) (see Smoke Alarms)
    Applies to R2, R3, or R4. See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    For Smoke Alarms, See Common Life Safety Components Chart, BCM Section 6.5.
    Foundation Walls
    Must be maintained plumb and free from open cracks and breaks that could allow rodents and other pests to enter the building.
    Section 304 Foundation Walls (IPMC)
    Repairs to foundations require a permit and approved documentation from an engineer or architect.
    All glazing materials should be maintained free from cracks and holes.
    Section 304 Glazing (IPMC)
    Replacement of glazing (not including replacement of any part of frame holding the glazing) is exempt from permitting requirement.
    Replacement glazing in hazardous locations shall comply with the safety glazing requirements of the IBC or IRC.
    Must be maintained to the code standards approved by the City when the building was built and in compliance with the International Property Maintenance Code and local amendments. The rails must be firmly fastened and capable of supporting normally imposed loads. Guardrails that are at least 36 inches high are required for landings, porches, decks, ramps and other walking surfaces that are at least 30 inches above grade of the property.
    Section 304 Guard (IPMC): A building component or a system of building components located at or near the open sides of elevated walking surfaces that minimizes the possibility of a fall from the walking surface to a lower level.
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    See Common Life Safety Components Chart, BCM Section 6.5.
    Must be maintained to the code standards approved by the City when the building was built and in compliance with the International Property Maintenance Code and local amendments. The rails must be firmly fastened and capable of supporting normally imposed loads.
    Sections 304, 305, 307 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    See Common Life Safety Components Chart, BCM Section 6.5.
    Heating Systems
    The heating systems in every dwelling unit must be capable of creating and maintaining a room temperature of 68 degrees F in every habitable room, bathroom and toilet room. The heating systems in occupiable work spaces must be capable of creating and maintaining a room temperature of 65 degrees F. Temperature readings are taken at 3 feet above the floor near the center of a room and two feet inward from the center of every exterior wall.
    Section 602 (IPMC) and Section 303.0 (IRC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    All structures must be kept free of rodent and insect infestation. The owner must make the premises free of infestation at time of initial lease. If there are two or more dwelling units, the owner remains responsible for preventing re-infestation through extermination. In single occupant buildings, the occupant is responsible for preventing re-infestation. The owner remains responsible for repairing building defects that may cause infestation, and for preventing infestation until repairs are completed.
    Sections 202, 302, 309 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Interior Surfaces
    Peeling, chipping, and flaking paint must be removed and the surface must be repainted. This includes doors and windows. Decayed wood, cracked and loose plaster or stucco, and other deteriorating surfaces must be repaired or replaced.
    Section 305 Interior Surfaces (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Kitchens and nonhabitable spaces shall not be used for sleeping purposes.
    Kitchen: Kitchen shall mean an area used or designated to be used for the preparation of food. (IRC)

    Kitchen Sink
    Every dwelling unit must have a kitchen sink, but the kitchen sink cannot substitute for the bathroom sink.
    Section 502 (IPMC) A kitchen sick shall not be used as a substitute for the required lavatory.

    Kitchen/Cooking Facilities
    Cooking is prohibited in Rooming units or Dormitory units - Unless the certificate of occupancy allows cooking in a room in a rooming unit or dormitory unit, occupants are limited to devices such as coffee makers and microwave ovens.
    Section 403 (IPMC)
    Must be maintained to the code standards approved by the City when the building was built and in compliance with the International Property Maintenance Code and local amendments. The landing must be maintained so as not to be warped, worn, loose, torn or otherwise unsafe and shall provide safe and adequate means of egress.
    Chapter 3 (IRC) Landings: There shall be a floor or landing on each side of each exterior door. The floor or landing at the exterior door shall not be more than 1.5 inches (38 mm) lower than the top of the threshold. The landing shall be permitted to have a slope not to exceed 0.25 unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (2-percent).
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4
    See Common Life Safety Components Chart, BCM Section 6.5.
    Must be properly attached, maintained structurally sound and in good repair.
    Porches: An exterior structure that shelters a building entrance. An exterior structure that extends along the outside of a building usually roofed and generally open sided but may also be partially enclosed, screened or glass enclosed. It is often an addition to the main structure. (Architectural Construction Dictionary)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Lighting of Common Areas and Stairways
    Common halls and stairways in residential occupancies other than one and two family dwellings, must be lit with a 60 watt light bulb for each 200 square feet of floor area. In non-residential areas, all exits and exit systems must have at least one foot-candle of lighting.
    Section 402 Common Halls and Stairways, Section 605 Luminaires (IPMC). Luminaire: A complete lighting unit consisting of one or more lamps or components which are designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamps, and to connect the lamps to the electrical power supply. Also called a lighting fixture.
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Minimum Room Requirements
    Every dwelling unit shall have at least one habitable room that shall have not less than 120 square feet of gross floor area and every bedroom shall contain at least 70 sq. ft.
    Section 404 Minimum Room Area (IPMC)

    Maintenance of Buildings/Structures
    Equipment, systems, devices and safeguards shall be maintained in good working order.
    Section 102 Maintenance (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4
    Mechanical Equipment
    All heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment as well as fireplaces, stoves, water heaters, boilers, and solid-fuel burning appliances must meet and be maintained according to applicable Mechanical Code standards, Plumbing Code standards, manufacturer's standards, energy conservation standards, and state law. All required clearances from combustible material must be maintained, and safety controls must remain in operable condition. Maintenance of air supply for complete combustion of fuel and for ventilation is required, and all energy conservation devices must be maintained as well. All ducts must be installed and maintained to applicable code standards and manufacturer's specifications, and must be maintained free of obstructions and leaks.
    Section 603 Mechanical Appliances (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4
    Natural Light
    All habitable space requires a window facing outside or to a courtyard, and the total glazed area for the window must be at least 8% of the floor area of the room.
    Section 402 Habitable Spaces (IPMC)

    Occupancy Limits
    Dwelling units, dormitory units, rooming house units, and boarding house units must be arranged to provide privacy and be separated from housekeeping units and other adjoining spaces.
    Section 404 (IPMC)

    A dwelling unit must be large enough to not create conditions that the code official finds would endanger the life, safety, or welfare of the occupants. Each bedroom must be at least 70 square feet in area for the first two adult occupants. Bedroom size must be increased by at least 50 square feet for each additional occupant. Children under 2 years old are not considered as occupants for overcrowding purposes.
    Section 202 (definition) The purpose for which a building or portion thereof is utilized or occupied. Sections 404.4.1 and 404.5 (IPMC).

    Plumbing Fixtures
    Plumbing fixtures must be maintained to the adopted code under which they were installed and manufacturer's specifications. All plumbing fixtures must be maintained in a safe, sanitary and functional condition. Plumbing fixtures must also comply with applicable accessibility and water conservation standards. Plumbing fixtures must have adequate clearance for cleaning and usage.
    Section 504 General (Plumbing Systems and Fixtures) (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Public Lighting
    Every public hallway, interior and exterior stairway, toilet room, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, boiler room, and furnace room must have at least one electrical luminaire.
    Section 605 Luminaires (IPMC), See local amendments: IECC 404.1 Lighting, and NEC Exemptions
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Roofs and Drainage
    Roofs and flashing must be sound and tight enough to prevent rain from entering the building; prevent dampness; and prevent deterioration in either the walls or the interior of the building. Roof drains, gutters, and downspouts must convey rainwater away from the building and shall not convey roof water/drainage in a manner that creates a public nuisance.
    Section 304 Roofs and Drainage. (IPMC) A secure, nonleaking roof is necessary to keep a building properly maintained.
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Rooms - Minimum Width of Rooms
    Other than kitchens, all habitable rooms shall not be less than 7 feet wide in any plan dimension. Kitchens must have a 3 foot clear space between counter fronts and appliances and counter fronts and walls.
    Section 404 Room Area (IPMC)

    Rubbish and Garbage
    The owner must keep the exterior of the property free from the accumulation of rubbish and garbage. The tenant or occupant must dispose of rubbish and garbage in approved, leak-proof containers. Refrigerators and similar appliances not in operation cannot be stored on-site without first removing the door.
    Rubbish: Combustible and noncombustible waste materials, except garbage; the terms shall include the residue from burning of wood, coal, coke, and other combustible materials, paper, rags, cartons, boxes, wood, excelsior, rubber, leather, tree branches, yard trimmings, tin cans, metals, mineral matter, glass, crockery and dust and other similar materials.
    Garbage: The animal or vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food.
    No permit required. Hazardous type waste should be handled in accordance with city, state and federal regulations.
    Sanitary Drainage System
    All plumbing fixtures must be connected to a public sewer system or an approved private sewage disposal system. Plumbing stacks, vents, waste, and sewer lines must be maintained and kept free from obstructions, leaks, and defects. Repair and replacement of the components of the sanitary drainage system must comply with adopted codes and manufacturer's specifications. NOTE: Building sewer shall not cross property lines.
    Section 506 Sanitary Drainage Systems (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Smoke Alarms
    All required smoke alarm systems must be maintained to the applicable Code standards required when the structure was built. If interconnected alarms with battery backup were required, the interconnected alarm system and the batteries must be maintained and tested. If buildings were built when alarms were not required or when alarms were not required to be interconnected, interconnection is not required.
    Sections 701, 704 Smoke Alarms (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    See Common Life Safety Components Chart, BCM Section 6.5.
    Smoke Alarm Location
    Smoke alarm locations must be in accordance with the code in effect at the time of construction for existing dwellings in at least the following locations: On the ceiling or wall outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms; in each room used for sleeping purposes; in each story within a dwelling unit (excluding crawl spaces and uninhabited attic space). In split level dwellings, the smoke alarm may be installed on the upper floor only if there is no intervening door and the lower level is less than a full story below.
    Sections 701, 704 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    See Replacement
    See Common Life Safety Components Chart, BCM Section 6.5.
    Shall be maintained structurally sound, in good repair, with proper anchorage and capable of supporting the imposed loads. Stairway width and rise and run shall be maintained to the applicable Code standards required when the structure was built. Where no code standards were adopted or for annexed areas, stairway systems must, at a minimum, meet a recognized code standard.
    Section 304 (IPMC) Stairway: One or more flights of stairs, either exterior or interior, with the necessary landings and platforms connecting them, to form a continuous and uninterrupted passage from one level to another.
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    See Common Life Safety Components Chart, BCM Section 6.5.
    Storm Drainage
    Drainage of roofs, paved areas, yards, courts and other open areas on the premises must not create a public nuisance.
    Section 507 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Structural Elements of the Building
    The structural elements of the exterior and interior of the building must be capable of supporting live and dead loads, and be maintained free of deterioration and/or damage.
    Section 304 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs-Private (One and Two Family Dwellings)
    Must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and in good repair. Swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, or other human-use water features must be equipped with an approved enclosure. Enclosures must be maintained to the standards adopted when the pool, spa, hot tub, or other human-use water features enclosure was built. Where no code standards were adopted or for annexed areas, the requirements of the Property Maintenance Code shall apply. Potable water cross connection protection is required.
    Section 303 (IPMC), LDC
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs-Semi-Public (Multi-Family)
    Must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and in good repair. Swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, or other human-use water features must be equipped with an approved enclosure. Enclosures must be maintained to the standards adopted when the pool, spa, hot tub, or other human-use water features enclosure was built. Where no code standards were adopted or for annexed areas, the requirements of the Property Maintenance Code shall apply. Potable water cross connection protection is required.
    Section 303 (IPMC), LDC (Health regulations), State Dept. of Health requirements.
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Unlawful Structures
    If a structure was built, altered, or occupied contrary to the law, or is occupied by more persons than allowed by the law, the code official may request vacation or partial vacation of the structure until the structure is fully compliant with all applicable laws. The code official may require that portions of the walls, ceilings, floors, or other components be removed to determine whether the building and/or equipment have been installed according to applicable laws.
    Section 108 Unlawful Structures (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Unsafe Structures and Equipment
    Structure(s) or equipment determined to be dangerous to the life, health, property or safety of the public or the building occupants must be corrected in accordance with applicable codes.
    Section 108 General (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Ventilation - Process
    A local exhaust ventilation system to the exterior of the building is required when fumes, gases, ducts, or mists are generated that may be injurious, toxic, irritating or noxious.
    Section 403 Ventilation (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Water Heaters and Water Heating Systems
    Must be installed according to adopted codes and manufacturer's specifications. Water heaters must be capable of supplying water at a temperature of at least 110 degrees F. Gas burning water heaters shall not be located in any bathroom, toilet room, bedroom or other occupied room normally kept closed unless installed in accordance with plumbing code in effect at the time of installation. An approved combination temperature and pressure relief valve and relief valve discharge pipe shall be properly installed and maintained on water heaters.
    Section 505 (IPMC)
    Water Heater replacement and all associated components requires a permit.
    Water Supply
    All plumbing fixtures must be connected to a public water system or an approved private water system. Hot and cold water must be provided to kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks (lavatories), laundry facilities, tubs and showers. The water supply must be maintained free of contamination. All devices required to prevent cross-connections must be installed and maintained to adopted codes and manufacturer's specifications. The water supply system must be capable of providing adequate volumes at adequate pressure so that the plumbing system and fixtures can perform properly.
    Section 505 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    Must be maintained in sound condition and weather tight.
    Section 304 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.
    See Common Life Safety Components Chart - Replacement Window Requirements, BCM Section 6.5.
    Windows, other than fixed windows, must be easily opened without keys or special knowledge. The window hardware must be maintained so that it can hold the window in place while in an open position. When required by code in effect at the time of construction, fall protection on windows shall be maintained. (NOTE: Structures permitted on or after Oct. 18, 2007 contain requirements for fall protection in accordance with ASTM 2090)
    Section 304 (IPMC)
    Window replacement requires a permit.
    See Common Life Safety Components Chart - Replacement Window Requirements, BCM Section 6.5.
    Windows in Dwelling Units
    Egress Windows must meet the height, width and net clear opening requirements of the code adopted at the time the building was built. Operable windows within 6 feet of ground level or a walking surface shall be equipped with a window sash locking device if the dwelling unit is rented or leased. Bars, grills, grates, and similar security devices are allowed over emergency egress windows only if the egress net clear opening meets adopted code standards and the security devices do not require a key or special knowledge. See IRC Table R611.
    Section 304 (IPMC) Special Knowledge - Examples of special knowledge include but are not limited to combination locks or an unlocking device in an unknown, unexpected or hidden location.
    Window replacement requires a permit.
    See Common Life Safety Components Chart - Replacement Window Requirements, BCM Section 6.5.
    Windows - Openable
    Every habitable space must have at least one openable window. The total openable area of the window in every room shall be equal to 45% of the minimum required glazed area (IPMC 403.1). Bathrooms and toilet rooms are not required to have an openable window if the room is equipped with mechanical equipment capable of discharging bathroom and toilet room air directly to the outside of the building.
    Section 403 (IPMC)
    See Permit Exemption Code Reference, BCM Section 6.4.