Austin |
Building Criteria Manual |
Appendix 7.1.0. GENERAL PROVISIONS |
Appendix 7.1.3. PROCESS |
§ Commercial and Multi-Family Programs
Getting Started: Log on to the AEGB Rating System at:
Create a User Profile for your Company: If you are not already registered, we need to know more about the services that you provide and contact information about the project professionals. You can update this information as needed, and we encourage you to do so regularly. (Should you elect to be part of our professional directory, this is the information that will be used.)
Start a New Project: The information that you provide about your project will enable us to verify that your project is eligible for a rating within our program, and assign the appropriate Rating and AEGB staff to the project.
Accept the Terms and Conditions: Once AEGB has accepted the project and assigned AEGB representatives to your project, we will send you an e-mail requesting you log-on to the system and accept the Terms and Conditions for participation.
* - Now that you have accepted the Terms and Conditions, you will find new tabs are available on the web page.
"Worksheet" Tab: This is where you will find all of the specific information about the requirements for achieving and documenting points in the Rating.
"Team" Tab: Invite the other professionals working on the project to participate in the online AEGB Rating System. Click on "Add Team Member". In the "Select Organization" field begin typing the name of the Organization you wish to add. The Organization you are adding may already have a profile- it is important to select their name from the drop down menu, if it is available. Failure to do so will result in multiple profiles for an Organization and confusion. If the Team member you wish to add does not have a User Profile, add them and include an e-mail address so that we can contact them. Team members you may want to include are: the project owner, architect, interior designer, commissioning agent, engineers (mechanical, electrical, structural, and civil), landscape architect, and the general contractor.
"Documents" Tab: Here you will find important documents such as the Terms and Conditions and the Letter of Intent (LOI). It is also a great place to upload your SMART Housing Certificate, if you have one. As you achieve milestones, additional documents will become available to you.
An Important Note about the Letter of Intent: When zoning or other City of Austin criteria requires an AEGB Rating, please download, execute and upload the signed AEGB Letter of Intent. This will enable AEGB staff to sign and return the LOI. You will need to present the completed LOI to Land Use Review in order to receive a Site Development Permit.
The Planning Phase: The planning phase is the time for planning, meeting, establishing goals, and developing plans and designs.
Meeting: AEGB Staff would like to meet with the entire design team as early in the process as possible. This will provide an opportunity to walk through the online AEGB Rating System, introduce features of the Rating program you might not be familiar with and provide an opportunity to answer any questions you may have. Meeting early in the process is a great way to set the tone for a successful project.
Fees: AEGB cannot approve planning phase documents until receipt of Registration Fee.
Regular Updates to the online AEGB Rating System: The system should be updated at the following project milestones: Schematic Design, 50% and 100% Design Development, 50% Construction Documents, the Building Permit Set, and Pre-Construction. Take note that the Online Rating System details when specific information should be uploaded.
Approval: AEGB will "Approve" requirements and points in the planning phase, indicating that the contract documents reflect that the team is on track to achieve the point. This approval does not guarantee award of any requirement or point, but enables project teams to assess likelihood of credit achievement and requires follow-though to ensure the design is executed in the construction phase according to the design specifications.
An Important note about Conditional Approval: Upon satisfactory review of these documents AEGB will issue Conditional Approval. This document will appear within the "Documents" tab. When zoning or other City of Austin criteria require an AEGB Rating, the AEGB Conditional Approval letter must be attached to the front of the Building Permit set at the time of intake with the Planning and Development Review Department (PDRD).
The Construction Phase: This is the time for action by following through with the well laid plans and updating AEGB on a monthly basis with your progress towards your goals.
Regular Updates to the AEGB Rating System: During Construction, provide monthly updates of the "Worksheet" tab including: building materials information, construction waste management calculations, and submittals.
Fees: Payment of the Services Fee is due before AEGB can perform site visits.
Site Visits: Please coordinate access to the building site with your AEGB project representatives, as necessary.
Approval: AEGB will "Approve" requirements and points in the Construction phase, indicating the requirement or point has been awarded.
An Important note about Final Approval: Upon satisfactory review, AEGB will issue a Final Approval. This document will appear in the "Documents" Tab after the Rating Requirements for the project have been met. When zoning or other City of Austin criteria require an AEGB Rating, this Final Approval may be necessary to acquire a Certificate of Occupancy.
The Close-Out Phase: This phase will give you an opportunity to reflect on the project's accomplishments and celebrate the team's successes.
Professional Directory: Ensure that the Company profile is correct, and indicate whether or not you want to be added to the AEGB Professional Directory.
Publish Case Studies: Work with AEGB to publish a case study on the AEGB website celebrating the project's accomplishments.