At the beginning of each fiscal year the head of each department or agency of the city government, upon the direction of the city manager, shall submit to the department of finance a work program for the year. Said work program shall include all appropriations for operation, maintenance, and capital outlays and shall indicate the requested allotments of such appropriations by months for the entire fiscal year. The city manager shall review the requested allotments, and, after such alteration or revision as he may deem necessary, authorize such for expenditure. Thereafter the department of finance shall authorize all expenditures for departments and agencies to be made from the appropriations on the basis of the approved allotments and not otherwise. The approved allotments may be revised during the fiscal year by the city manager, or upon application by the head of any department or agency and approval by the city manager, but in no event shall the aggregate of departmental or agency allotments exceed the appropriation available to such departments or agencies for the fiscal year. If, at any time during the fiscal year, the city manager shall ascertain that available revenues will be less than total appropriations for the year, he or she shall reconsider the work program and allotments of the departments and agencies and revise them so as to prevent the making of expenditures in excess of available revenues.
Source: Ord. No. 20180809-113 , Pt. 7, 8-20-18/election of 11-6-18.