Latest version.
  • (A)

    To receive an abatement after restoration is completed, an owner must apply to the director for a letter of verification and submit to the director:


    the certificate of eligibility;


    a signed statement, acknowledged before a notary public, certifying that the restoration has been completed in compliance with any certificates of appropriateness or preliminary certificates of appropriateness along with receipts or other documentation proving that the required restoration has actually been done;


    an executed commitment to repay that:


    is approved as to form by the city attorney;


    provides that any unpaid repayment is a lien against the property;


    indemnifies the City against all claims arising out of the granting of an abatement;


    binds the owner and his successors, heirs, and assigns;


    runs with the land; and


    is filed in deed records of the appropriate county;


    a copy of the city council resolution if the abatement exceeds $50,000; and


    a certificate of occupancy, if applicable.

Source: Ord. 041202-16.