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  • (A)

    Except as provided in Subsection (B) and Section 12-3-8 ( Parking Exemptions ), a person parking a vehicle in a paid parking space or paid parking zone shall immediately pay the parking fee for due.


    This section does not apply to a person:


    parking a vehicle defined under Chapter 541, Texas Transportation Code, as a motorcycle or moped; or


    occupying a parking space or parking zone as authorized by a film-making permit issued under Section 14-6-4 ( Temporary Street Closure for Film-Making Activity ) of the Code.


    A person must deposit U.S. coins in denominations accepted by the parking meter or parking pay station or use a credit card, bank debit card, or a parking meter fee debit card to pay the parking fee.


    A person may not use foreign currency in a parking meter or a parking pay station.


    A person may not deposit more than the amount of payment necessary to obtain the maximum parking time limit allowed during a parking occasion.


    If parking a vehicle in a space monitored by a pay and display station, a person shall immediately attach the pay station receipt to the inside of the vehicle's windshield adjacent to the curb. The receipt must be placed in a position so that it can be read from outside of the vehicle.


    A person may not park at a paid parking space with an inoperable parking meter unless the person pays at the nearest pay and display station and attaches the receipt to the window as required in Subsection (F).


    A person may not park in a paid parking zone monitored by a pay and display station without a receipt from the nearest operable pay and display station.


    The minimum amount of parking time that may be purchased with U.S. coins is 15 minutes. The minimum amount of parking time that may be purchased with a credit or debit card is one hour.

Source: Ord. 20090611-032; Ord. 20121018-064.