§ 13-1-1. DEFINITIONS.  

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  • (A)

    Undefined terms used in this chapter have the meaning prescribed by applicable aviation law.


    In this chapter:


    ACTIVE RUNWAY means a runway open to air traffic.


    ACROBATIC FLYING means the operation of an aircraft or action on an aircraft in flight intended to alarm or excite a person by apparent recklessness, showmanship, abrupt changes in altitude, abnormal altitude, speed, acceleration, or difficulty if no emergency exists.


    AIR OPERATIONS AREA means airport property designed or used primarily for the aircraft landing, taking off, and taxiing, including a runway, taxiway, ramp, apron, and the airport grounds enclosed by security fencing.


    AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER means an agent of the United States government assigned and authorized by applicable aviation law to oversee and control the movements of aircraft in the air and on the ground in the corporate limits of the city or a City contractor that provides air traffic control services.


    AIR TRAFFIC PATTERN means a pattern of aircraft routes set out by the Federal Aviation Administration and the director to regulate the movements of aircraft approaching or departing from the airport.


    AIRCRAFT means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air.


    AIRPORT means the area of land owned, leased, operated, or under the control of the City and used or intended to be used for aircraft loading, unloading, landing, and taking off, including buildings and facilities.


    AIRPORT EMPLOYEE means a person employed at the airport by the City, a tenant, or a governmental agency.


    AIRPORT IDENTIFICATION MEDIA means the personnel identification media required by 49 Code of Federal Regulation Part 1542 (Airport Security) and the airport security program for unescorted access into the security identification display area of the Airport.


    AIRPORT OFFICIAL means an employee of the department authorized by the director to enforce this chapter.


    AIRPORT OPERATIONS SPECIALIST means an airport official with the authority and duties prescribed by Section 13-1-51 ( Airport Operations Specialist ).


    AIRPORT SECURITY PROGRAM means the program required to be adopted by each airport operator under 49 Code of Federal Regulation Part 1542 (Airport Security).


    AVIATION LAW means federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations that regulate or apply to the management, planning, development, financing, operations, and maintenance of an airport, air commerce, air transportation, air safety, or air security, including Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations and Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Chapter XII.


    COURTESY VEHICLE means a motor vehicle operated by a motel, hotel, parking lot, rental car company, limousine service, shuttle bus service, or other off-airport business to transport a person or property to or from the airport.


    COURTESY SERVICE means an off-airport business that uses a courtesy vehicle to transport a person or property to or from the airport, either at no charge or for a fee.


    DEPARTMENT means the Department of Aviation.


    DIRECTOR means the director of the Department of Aviation.


    EMERGENCY VEHICLE means an authorized motor vehicle participating in an emergency response, including a crash, fire, or rescue vehicle, authorized police vehicle, medical services vehicle, department vehicle, or tenant-operated vehicle.


    FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION means the agency of the United States government that regulates airport and aircraft operations, or a successor agency.


    FLIGHT LINE means an area near a hangar or terminal used to park, service, or move aircraft, including a ramp.


    GROUND TRANSPORTATION STAGING AREA means an area designated by the director for the exclusive use of courtesy vehicles and ground transportation vehicles when the vehicles are waiting for space in the ready stand.


    GROUND TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE means a ground transportation service vehicle as defined in Section 13-2-1 ( Definitions ) of the Code issued a vehicle permit by the director to operate at the airport, including a taxicab, limousine, airport shuttle service bus, and courtesy vehicle.


    MOTOR VEHICLE means a self- propelled vehicle designed to transport persons, property, or equipment, excluding an aircraft.


    MOVEMENT AREA means the part of the air operations area designated by the director in which the operator of an aircraft or vehicle is required to maintain contact with the air traffic controller and receive instructions.


    OFF-AIRPORT BUSINESS means a commercial enterprise not located at the airport that conducts business at the airport, uses an airport facility, or provides goods or services for payment to an airport tenant or passenger.


    OFF-AIRPORT OPERATOR means the owner or operator of an off-airport business.


    PARACHUTE means to jump from a flying aircraft with a parachute, glide wings, hang glider, auto-rotation wings, balloon or other device.


    PERIMETER means the line defined by buildings and attached fencing enclosing an air operations area as required under the airport security program and applicable federal regulations.


    RAMP means the paved ground surface adjacent to a hangar, terminal, or concourse not designated as a taxiway or runway, including a paved aircraft parking area or apron.


    READY STAND means the area designated by the director as reserved for the exclusive use of taxicabs, ground transportation vehicles, and other vehicles for hire to pick up passengers.


    RESTRICTED AREA means an area of the airport that is not generally open to the public.


    RUNWAY means a paved surface designated by the director for use primarily by aircraft accelerating for takeoff and decelerating on landing.


    SCREENING LOCATION has the meaning prescribed in 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1540.


    SECURED AREA has the meaning prescribed in 49 Code of Federal Regulation Part 1540.


    SECURITY AND GROUND TRANSPORTATION CONTROLLER means an airport official authorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter that regulate:


    motor vehicle stopping, standing, and parking; and


    the operation of courtesy vehicles and ground transportation vehicles.


    SECURITY IDENTIFICATION DISPLAY AREA has the meaning prescribed in 49 Code of Federal Regulation Part 1540.


    STERILE AREA has the meaning prescribed in 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1540.


    TAXI means the movement of an aircraft under its own power on the ground except during acceleration for takeoff or deceleration on landing.


    TAXICAB means a motor vehicle used to provide taxicab service as described in Section 13-2-301 ( Taxi Service Described ) of the Code.


    TAXIWAY means a paved surface designated by the director for the movement of aircraft along the ground, excluding aircraft takeoff or landing.


    TENANT means a person that has been granted the exclusive or preferential use of an area of the airport by contract with the department.


    TRAFFIC means a pedestrian, ridden or herded animal, vehicle, aircraft, or other conveyance moving on the ground on airport property.


    TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION means the agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security that regulates airport and aircraft security, or successor agency.


    VEHICLE PERMIT means a permit issued by the department to authorize and identify motor vehicles to operate on the airport streets and roads or the airport operations area.

Source: 1992 Code Section 17-2-1; 2003 Code Section 13-1-1; Ord. 040729-16; Ord. 20080410-008.