§ 13-1-4. DIRECTOR'S DUTIES.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    The director shall perform the duties and have the authority necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the department under this chapter and applicable aviation law.


    The director shall:


    control and supervise the department's officers and employees in the performance of their duties;


    cause the department to perform its duties under Section 13-1-3 ( Creation and Responsibilities of the Department of Aviation );


    take necessary action to safeguard the public at an airport;


    suspend or restrict air operations as necessary to protect public safety, including suspensions due to weather conditions, either directly or through an air traffic controller;


    negotiate and execute contracts for the use of the airport or an airport facility, subject to approval by the council if required;


    supervise the operation of the airport;


    in coordination with airport air traffic control, direct:


    the landing, takeoff, taxiing, or parking of aircraft; and


    vehicular and pedestrian traffic on the air operations area;


    direct and control vehicular and pedestrian traffic at the airport and control ground facilities; and


    adopt and enforce rules and regulations necessary:


    for the safe, convenient, and efficient management, use, and operation of an airport; or


    to establish minimum standards for providers of goods or services to operate on an airport.

Source: 2003 Code Section 13-1-3; 1992 Code Section 17-2-3; Ord. 040729-16.