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  • (A)

    If a person operating a motor vehicle or aircraft within an air operations area approaches a motor vehicle or aircraft of a greater priority, the person may not create a hazard by failing or refusing to yield the right-of-way.


    If two motor vehicles or aircraft are of the same priority, the operator of the motor vehicle or aircraft approaching from the right shall have the right-of-way and the operator approaching from the left shall yield.


    The operator of a motor vehicle or aircraft on approaching courses shall pass or veer to the right.


    If the operator of a motor vehicle or aircraft overtakes another vehicle or aircraft, the operator shall pass to the left of the vehicle or aircraft being passed.


    Except an emergency vehicle operating under emergency conditions, the operator of a vehicle on an intersecting course with a moving aircraft or a vehicle moving across the probable paths of a stopped aircraft with a running engine shall pass to the rear of the aircraft.


    The operator of a motor vehicle or aircraft may not turn, stop, or swerve if the action would create a hazard while the operator is overtaking or passing an aircraft or vehicle or being overtaken or passed by another aircraft or vehicle.

Source: 2003 Code Sections 13-1-184, 13-1-187, 13-1-188, 13-1-189, and 13-1-190; 1992 Code Sections 17-2-184, 17-2-187, 17-2-188, 17-2-189, and 17-2-190; Ord. 040729-16.