Latest version.
  • (A)

    This section does not apply to a category II or category III.


    An application for a category I shall include:


    proof of insurance as required by Section 13-1-185 ( Insurance Required; Termination );


    a description of the location (latitude and longitude) and intended use of the proposed helistop;


    a description of the size, layout, and topographical features of the proposed helistop;


    the number of anticipated daily operations and hours of operation;


    for each helicopter expected to use the proposed helistop, the helicopter's tail number, manufacturer, model number, and maximum gross weight;


    a description of one or two approach and departure paths selected in compliance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5390-2 (Heliport Design Guide) which should, insofar as safely practicable, avoid noise sensitive areas and environmentally sensitive areas;


    a description of each obstruction penetrating the proposed helistop's imaginary surfaces as identified in 14 Code of Federal Regulation Part 77 (Safe, Efficient Use, and Preservation of Navigable Airspace);


    documentation of crowd control measures adequate for the circumstances of the helistop's intended use;


    for a proposed elevated or rooftop helistop, certification by a registered professional engineer that the supporting structure for the touchdown and liftoff area satisfies the minimum design load recommended by FAA Advisory Circular 150/5390-2;


    application fee; and


    any additional information required by the director.


    The director shall notify the following city departments and non-city agencies:










    Parks and Recreation;


    Planning and Development Review Department;


    Code and Compliance;


    Star Flight; and


    Austin-Travis County EMS.


    Notice and public comment period shall be provided as follows:


    The department shall:


    within three business days of the receipt of an administratively complete application post a copy of the application online for public inspection;


    within three business days of any change in the administratively complete application (e.g. supplementation or amendment by the applicant, or city's "check-off" on a requirement or condition), update the copy of the application posted online; and


    within three business days of the receipt of an administratively complete application, give notice to the public by providing notice to the Austin Neighborhood Council and neighborhood associations within 500 feet in the vicinity to communicate such notice to their members and residents.


    the director shall, within three business days of making a decision, issue, deliver to the applicant, and post online the decision on the application in the form of a written opinion explaining the basis of the director's decision (including findings of fact and applicable provisions of law and of this article).

Source: 2003 Code Sections 13-1-292(K) and (M) and 13-1-293(B); 1992 Code Section 17-2-292(K) and (M) and 17-2-293(B); Ord. 040729-16; Ord. 20130620-089.