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  • The application must include:


    The name, address, telephone number, and driver's license number of the applicant, and each officer, director, partner, and any other person who will participate in the business decisions of, or who has the authority to enter contracts on behalf of, the charter bus service.


    Certified copies of any documents required by state law to be filed for the business entity to legally exist, and a statement from the Secretary of State certifying that the business is in good standing if state law requires the entity to file documents with the Secretary of State.


    For each person described in Subsection (1), a description of all criminal convictions, and a criminal history certified by the Texas Department of Public Safety within the 30 days preceding the date the application is submitted.


    If a person described in Subsection (1) has been a resident of Texas for less than three years preceding the date of the application, the criminal history must be certified by the corresponding governmental authority in the former state of residence within 30 days preceding the submission of the application.


    The total number of vehicles to be used in the proposed service, including for each vehicle the year, make, model, vehicle identification number, manufacturer's rated seating capacity, state license plate number, and the body style.


    For each vehicle listed, the applicant shall provide annually proof of a current passing vehicle inspection conducted by the appropriate federal or state authority.


    Provide the department with a current list of drivers, the driver's license number of each driver, and a photocopy of each driver's license.


    A description of the applicant's charter bus service experience.


    A detailed description of the proposed service.


    Proof of insurance coverage required under applicable state or federal law.


    An affidavit that there are no outstanding judgments that arise out of circumstances related to ground transportation service against a person described in Subsection (1).


    Proof of a valid and current operating authority issued by the federal and/or state government.


    Additional information required on the application form prescribed by the department.

Source: Ord. No. 20141106-054, Pt. 10, 11-17-14 ; Ord. No. 20150416-003, Pt. 6, 4-27-15 .