§ 13-2-281. SAFETY INSPECTION.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    A person may not place a vehicle in service that does not comply with the inspection requirements of federal and state law, and the driver shall provide proof of a valid and current safety inspection upon request from the City.


    A permittee shall make a charter bus service vehicle that is in service available for inspection by the department at any time.


    When placing a charter bus service vehicle in service, a permittee must submit a report to the department that includes current state vehicle inspection history for the vehicle on a form prescribed by the department.


    The vehicle must be equipped with a chemical fire extinguisher of a capacity of one quart or greater. The extinguisher must be mounted within the driver's reach.


    The vehicle must be equipped with a spare tire, a jack, and a lug nut wrench. The spare tire must be appropriately mounted and meet state or federal safety requirements. This paragraph does not apply to a vehicle modified to operate using alternative fuels or to allow the transport of disabled passengers if the modification prevents compliance with this paragraph.


    The vehicle must be in condition to provide dependable and safe mechanical operation.


    The vehicle must have a physical barrier securely anchored between the passenger and luggage compartments if the vehicle has no trunk compartment.


    The vehicle must be equipped with air conditioning and heating equipment operating within manufacturer's specifications.

Source: Ord. No. 20141106-054, Pt. 10, 11-17-14 ; Ord. No. 20171214-095 , Pt. 8, 12-25-17.