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  • (A)

    The city manager shall recommend to the council that the council grant or deny the taxicab franchise application. In evaluating a taxicab franchise application, the city manager may consider the following:


    the service proposed;


    the number, kinds, and types of equipment to be used by the applicant;


    whether the applicant has demonstrated the public necessity and convenience for the taxicab franchise;


    the effect of the proposed taxicab service on existing taxicab services;


    the applicant's financial ability to provide the proposed service;


    the ground transportation service experience of an applicant and of any partner or person having an interest in the business if a partnership, and all officers, directors, and majority stock holders if a corporation;


    convictions, if any, of applicants, their officers, shareholders, or partners, for misdemeanor or felony crimes that directly relate to the duties and responsibilities of operating a taxicab business;


    whether a holder has continued to employ, contract with, or sponsor an individual that is not a safe and reliable driver as reflected by the official Texas Department of Public Safety records, other applicable traffic enforcement agency records, if applicable, or by the individual's criminal record;


    whether a previous operating authority or taxicab franchise has been revoked; and


    for the transfer of a franchise permit, the requirements of Section 13-2-402(B) ( City Council Approval Required; General Standards; Franchise Permit Transfer ).


    In evaluating a taxicab franchise application, the city manager must consider the following:


    the accuracy of the applicant's data reports;


    the quality of dispatch services;


    the applicant's compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990;


    the fuel efficiency of the applicant's fleet; and


    any and all fees the applicant charges to drivers;


    The city manager may not recommend that the council grant a franchise application unless the requirements of this chapter have been met.


    If the city manager recommends denial of a taxicab franchise application, the city manager shall include the reason for that recommendation. A copy of the recommendation shall be provided to the applicant.

Source: 1992 Code Section 8-13-304; Ord. 031106-13; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20070405-013; Ord. No. 20141106-054, Pts. 15, 16, 11-17-14 ; Ord. No. 20150604-055, Pt. 11, 6-15-15 .