§ 13-2-464. SETTING TAXIMETER.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    When using a taximeter to compute a fare, a driver shall place the taximeter in a revenue-earning mode when a passenger enters a taxicab, or at the pre-arranged time, if any, after the customer is informed of the taxicab's presence.


    When using a taximeter to compute a fare, a driver shall call the attention of passengers to the amount registered on the taximeter before resetting the taximeter. The taximeter may not be reset or turned off until after the fare is paid.

Source: 1992 Code Section 8-13-364; Ord. 031106-13; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. No. 20141106-054, Pt. 15, 11-17-14 ; Ord. No. 20180628-054 , Pt. 25, 7-9-18.