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  • (A)

    A Utility Location and Coordination Committee is established to advise the director concerning:


    planning of capital improvement, utility, and street projects;


    long range community development plans;


    standards for utility location in the right-of-way;


    possible improvements to permit and inspection procedures;


    pre-construction conferences;


    geographic information systems and other information technologies; and


    other matters as requested by the director.


    The Committee is composed of public and private entities that are authorized by law, franchise, or license to construct and maintain facilities in the right-of-way. The director shall chair the Committee.


    The director shall schedule regular Committee meetings to advise the director concerning:


    identification of facilities in the right-of-way;


    resolution of conflicts in location of facilities; and


    coordination of plans for excavation in the right-of-way.

Source: Ord. No. 20170817-045 , Pt. 2, 8-17-17.