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  • (A)

    The director will publish an excavation sequence no later than the 30th day following the project description deadline described in Section 14-11-167(A) ( Scheduling and Coordination in the Downtown Austin Project Coordination Zone ).


    An excavation permit is valid during the period prescribed by the director.


    If a permit holder does not begin excavation according to the excavation sequence, the director may reschedule the excavation activity for the end of the excavation sequence and permit the next scheduled excavation to begin.


    If the director determines that an excavation activity is 14 or more days behind the approved schedule in the excavation sequence, the director may order that all work on the excavation activity be stopped. The director may discontinue the project until a later time period in the excavation sequence or until a later excavation sequence.


    The director may extend the finish date if the extension does not interfere with the coordination of projects within the excavation sequence.

Source: Ord. No. 20170817-045 , Pt. 2, 8-17-17.