Austin |
Code of Ordinances |
Division 1. General Provisions. |
§ 15-5-2. DEFINITIONS.
Words and phrases in this article have the same meaning they have in Chapter 366 ( On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems ) of the Texas Health and Safety Code and in Chapter 285 ( On-Site Sewage Facilities ) of Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code. The following terms also are applicable to this article:
BARTON SPRINGS SEGMENT means all watersheds that contribute recharge to Barton Springs, including those portions of the Barton, Williamson, Slaughter, Onion, Bear and Little Bear Creek watershed located in the Edwards Aquifer recharge or contributing zones.
BARTON SPRINGS SEGMENT OF THE EDWARDS AQUIFER CONTRIBUTING ZONE means all land generally to the west and upstream of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone that provides drainage into the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone.
CONTROL ELEVATION means the 492.8-foot mean sea level elevation contour around Lake Austin which constitutes the normal water level of the lake.
DESIGNER means the property owner, installer, professional engineer, or professional sanitarian who prepares the planning materials for an OSSF.
DIRECTOR means the director of Austin Water or their Designee.
EDWARDS AQUIFER CONTRIBUTING ZONE means all land generally to the west and upstream of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone that provides drainage into the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone. The contributing zone is identified as a geographic area delineated on official maps located with the City.
EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE means, in addition to the area defined in 30 TAC § 285.2, all land over the Edwards Aquifer that recharges the aquifer, as determined by the surface exposure of the geologic units comprising the Edwards Aquifer, including the areas overlain with quaternary terrace deposits. The recharge zone is identified as a geographic area delineated on official maps located with the City.
INDICATIONS OF GROUNDWATER means physical characteristics of the soil that are determined by the City to be evidence of a seasonally saturated zone (typically, the presence of gray redoximorphic depletions with contrasting masses, pore linings, or concretions), or observations of the water table.
LOW-PRESSURE DOSING means the pumping of effluent under low pressure into perforated piping in a drainfield to uniformly distribute the effluent within the drainfield.
NITROGEN REDUCTION SYSTEM means a treatment system to be used for nitrogen reduction that is verified through the Environmental Protection Agency/NSF International Environmental Technology Verification-Protocol, or a treatment system that can demonstrate (by actual data or established design criteria) total nitrogen effluent levels of equal to or less than 20 mg/L as an annual average.
OSSF means an on-site sewage facility or disposal system.
WATER SAVING DEVICES means plumbing fixtures that comply with ANSI A112.18-1 Plumbing Fixtures (Flow Capacity) or Chapter 372 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of Texas, whichever is more stringent.
Source: 1992 Code Section 12-4-2(A); Ord. 031204-14; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20131003-097; Ord. No. 20190131-002 , Pt. 2, 2-11-19.