§ 1-3-4. CITATION.
A citation issued under this section must be on a form approved by the municipal court clerk that includes the following information:
the name, address, date of birth, or driver's license number and physical description, and telephone number of the person cited;
the offense for which the person is charged;
the date and location of the offense;
an appearance date;
a statement requiring the person receiving the citation to appear at municipal court on or before the appearance date indicated on the citation;
a statement of the person's promise to respond to the citation by the appearance date indicated on the citation, including a place for the person cited to provide the person's signature;
the name of the person issuing the citation; and
other information as determined by the director of the issuing department.
Upon receipt of a completed citation, the municipal court clerk shall process the citation and cause a complaint to be filed, in the same manner as a citation issued by a peace officer.
Source: Ord. 040422-49; Ord. No. 20140925-039, Pt. 1, 10-6-14 .