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    Residential uses include the occupancy of living accommodations on a nontransient basis. Residential uses exclude institutional living arrangements providing 24-hour skilled nursing or medical care and those providing forced residence, including mental hospitals and prisons.


    Residential use classifications are described as follows:


    BED AND BREAKFAST RESIDENTIAL use is the use of a residential structure to provide rooms for temporary lodging for overnight guests on a paying basis.


    CONDOMINIUM RESIDENTIAL use is the use of a site for attached or detached condominiums, as defined in the Texas Property Code.


    CONSERVATION SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL use is the use of a site for multiple detached dwelling units with each dwelling unit located on an individual lot and the remainder of the site being jointly-owned and preserved as open space.


    DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL use is the use of a site for two dwelling units within a single building, other than a mobile home.


    GROUP RESIDENTIAL use is the use of a site for occupancy by a group of more than six persons who are not a family, on a weekly or longer basis. This use includes fraternity and sorority houses, dormitories, residence halls, and boarding houses.


    MOBILE HOME RESIDENTIAL use is the use of a site for occupancy of mobile homes on a weekly or longer basis. This use includes mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions.


    MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL use is the use of a site for three or more dwelling units, within one or more buildings, and includes condominium residential use.


    RETIREMENT HOUSING (LARGE SITE) use is the use of a site for more than 12 dwelling units designed and marketed specifically for the elderly, the physically handicapped, or both.


    RETIREMENT HOUSING (SMALL SITE) use is the use of a site for 3 to 12 dwelling units designed and marketed specifically for the elderly, the physically handicapped, or both.


    SHORT-TERM RENTAL use is the rental of a residential dwelling unit or accessory building, other than a unit or building associated with a group residential use, on a temporary or transient basis in accordance with Article 4, Division 1, Subpart C ( Requirements for Short-Term Rental Uses ) of this chapter. The use does not include an extension for less than 30 consecutive days of a previously existing rental agreement of 30 consecutive days or more. The use does not include a rental between parties to the sale of that residential dwelling unit.


    SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL use is the use of a site for two dwelling units, each located on a separate lot, that are constructed with common or abutting walls or connected by a carport, garage, or other structural element.


    SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL use is the use of a site for only one dwelling unit, other than a mobile home.


    SMALL LOT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL use is the use of a small lot for only one detached dwelling unit, other than a mobile home.


    TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL use is the use of a site for townhouses.


    TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL use is the use of a lot for two dwelling units, each in a separate building, other than a mobile home.

Source: Section 13-2-2; Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 990520-38; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 041118-57; Ord. 20100819-064; Ord. 20120802-122.