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  • (A)

    Civic uses include the performance of utility, educational, recreational, cultural, medical, protective, and governmental functions, and other uses that are strongly vested with public or social importance.


    Civic use classifications are described as follows:


    ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES use is the use of a site for provision of offices or administrative, clerical, or public contact services, together with incidental storage and maintenance of necessary vehicles. This use includes offices and courthouses serving federal, state, county, and city government.


    AVIATION FACILITIES use is the use of a site for provision of landing fields, aircraft parking and service facilities, and related facilities for operation, service, fueling, repair, storage, charter, sales, or rental of aircraft, including activities directly associated with the operation and maintenance of airport facilities.


    CAMP use is the use of a site for provision of indoor or outdoor activities for children, including sports, arts and crafts, entertainment, recreation, educational activities, swimming, fishing, horseback riding, and incidental food service. If incidental to the camp use, camp facilities may be used to provide meeting, recreation, or social facilities for a private association or group.


    CEMETERY is the use of land that is dedicated for cemetery purposes for the burial of the dead, including columbariums, crematoriums, mausoleums, and mortuaries.


    CLUB OR LODGE use is the use of a site for provision of meeting, recreational, or social facilities by a private or nonprofit association, primarily for use by members and guests. This use includes private social clubs and fraternal organizations.


    COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES use is the use of a site as an educational institution of higher learning that offers a course of study designed to culminate in the issuance of a degree in accordance with the Texas Education Code.


    COMMUNICATION SERVICE FACILITIES use is the use of a site for the transmission, transfer, or distribution of telephone service and related activities.


    COMMUNITY EVENTS use is a use described in Local Government Code Chapter 334 as permitted for an "approved venue project", except for a hotel, zoological park, museum, or aquarium. The use includes the sale of alcoholic beverages.


    COMMUNITY RECREATION (PRIVATE) use is the use of a site for the provision of an indoor or outdoor recreational facility for use by residents or guests of a residential development, planned unit development, church, private primary or secondary educational facility, club or lodge, or non-profit organization.


    COMMUNITY RECREATION (PUBLIC) use is the use of a site for the provision of an indoor or outdoor recreational facility for use by the general public, but not for economic gain.


    CONGREGATE LIVING use is the use of a site for the provision of 24 hour supervision and assisted living for more than 15 residents not needing regular medical attention. This use includes personal care homes for the physically impaired, mentally retarded, developmentally disabled, or persons 60 years of age or older, basic child care homes, maternity homes, and emergency shelters for victims of crime, abuse, or neglect.


    CONVALESCENT SERVICES use is the use of a site for the provision of bed care and in-patient services for persons requiring regular medical attention. This use excludes the provision of surgical or emergency medical services and the provision of care for alcoholism, drug addiction, mental disease, or communicable disease.


    CONVENTION CENTER use is the use of a site for the provision of space or facilities owned or managed by the City for conventions, meetings, exhibitions, shows, gatherings, presentations, or celebrations, including related incidental facilities for office and administrative use, food and beverage preparation and service, and on-site and off-site parking facilities.


    COUNSELING SERVICES use is the use of a site for the provision of daytime counseling to neglected or abused children, 15 years of age or younger, or their managing conservators, who are referred by a governmental entity or other counseling service providers.


    CULTURAL SERVICES use is the use of a site for a library, museum, or similar facility.


    DAY CARE SERVICES (COMMERCIAL) use is the use of a site for the provision of daytime care for more than 20 persons. This use includes nursery schools, preschools, day care centers for children or adults, and similar uses, and excludes public and private primary or secondary educational facilities.


    DAY CARE SERVICES (GENERAL) use is the use of a site for the provision of daytime care for more than 6 but not more than 20 persons. This use includes nursery schools, pre-schools, day care centers for children or adults, and similar uses, and excludes public and private primary or secondary educational facilities.


    DAY CARE SERVICES (LIMITED) use is the use of a site for the provision of daytime care for six persons or less. This use includes nursery schools, preschools, day care centers for children or adults, and similar uses, and excludes public and private primary or secondary educational facilities.


    DETENTION FACILITIES use is the use of a site for the provision by a public agency of housing and care for legally confined individuals.


    EMPLOYEE RECREATION use is the use of a site for the provision of an indoor or outdoor recreational facility for use by employees of a business engaged in basic industry, commercial services, manufacturing, administrative activities, or research and development services, that is located on property reserved by the business for future expansion.


    FAMILY HOME use is the use of a site for the provision of a family-based facility providing 24 hour care in a protected living arrangement with not more than two supervisory personnel and not more than six residents who are suffering from orthopedic, visual, speech, or hearing impairments, Alzheimer's disease, pre-senile dementia, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental retardation, autism, or emotional illness.


    GROUP HOME, CLASS I (GENERAL) use is the use of a site for the provision of a family-based facility providing 24 hour care in a protected living arrangement for more than 6 but not more than 15 residents and not more than 3 supervisory personnel. This use includes foster homes, homes for the physically and mentally impaired, homes for the developmentally disabled, congregate living facilities for persons 60 years of age or older, maternity homes, emergency shelters for victims of crime, abuse, or neglect, and residential rehabilitation facilities for alcohol and chemical dependence.


    GROUP HOME, CLASS I (LIMITED) use is the use of a site for the provision of a family-based facility providing 24 hour care in a protected living arrangement for not more than 6 residents and 2 supervisory personnel. This use includes foster homes, congregate living facilities for persons 60 years of age or older, maternity homes, and homes for persons with physical or mental impairments not listed in the description of family home use. Persons with physical or mental impairments are persons whose impairments substantially limit one or more of the persons' major life activities, who have a record of the impairment, or who are regarded as having the impairment, as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act.


    GROUP HOME, CLASS II use is the use of a site for the provision of a family-based facility providing 24 hour care in a protected living arrangement for not more than 15 residents and not more than 3 supervisory personnel. This use includes homes for juvenile delinquents, halfway houses providing residence instead of institutional sentencing, and halfway houses providing residence to those needing correctional and mental institutionalization.


    GUIDANCE SERVICES use is the use of a site for the provision of daytime counseling, guidance, recuperative, or similar services to persons requiring rehabilitation assistance as a result of mental illness, alcoholism, detention, drug addiction, or similar condition.


    HOSPITAL SERVICES (GENERAL) use is the use of a site for the provision of medical, psychiatric, or surgical services on an in-patient basis, and includes ancillary facilities for out-patient and emergency treatment, diagnostic services, training, research, administration, and services to patients, employees, and visitors.


    HOSPITAL SERVICES (LIMITED) use is the use of a site for the provision of medical, psychiatric, or surgical services on an out-patient basis, and includes emergency treatment, diagnostic services, training, administration, and services to out-patients, employees, and visitors.


    LOCAL UTILITY SERVICES use is the use of a site for the provision of services that are necessary to support the development in the area and involve only minor structures including lines and poles.


    MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE FACILITIES use is the use of a site for the provision of maintenance, repair, vehicular or equipment servicing, material storage, or similar activities, and includes equipment service centers and similar uses having characteristics of commercial services, contracting, or industrial activities.


    MAJOR UTILITY FACILITIES use is the use of a site for the provision of generating plants, electrical switching facilities or primary substations, refuse collection or disposal facilities, water or wastewater treatment plants, or similar facilities.


    MILITARY INSTALLATIONS use is the use of a site for the provision of military facilities by the federal or state government.


    PARKS AND RECREATION SERVICES (GENERAL) use is the use of a site for the provision of parks, playgrounds, recreation facilities, or open spaces available to the general public and under the management or control of a public agency.


    PARK AND RECREATION SERVICES (SPECIAL) use is the use of a site for the sale of beer or wine in a building that is located in a park or recreation facility under the management or control of a public agency.


    POSTAL FACILITIES use is the use of a site for the provision of postal services and includes post offices, bulk mail processing, and sorting centers operated by the United States Postal Service.


    PRIVATE PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES use is the use of a site for a private or parochial school offering instruction at the elementary school level in the branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools of the state.


    PRIVATE SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES use is the use of a site for a private or parochial school offering instruction at the junior and senior high school levels in the branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools of the state.


    PUBLIC PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES use is the use of a site for a public school offering instruction at the elementary school level in the branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools of the state. The term includes an open enrollment charter school as defined under the Texas Education Code.


    PUBLIC SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES use is the use of a site for a public school offering instruction at the junior and senior high school levels in the branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools of the state. The term includes an open enrollment charter school as defined under the Texas Education Code.


    QUALIFIED COMMUNITY GARDEN use is a garden that complies with the requirements of Chapter 8-4 (Qualified Community Garden) of the City Code.


    RAILROAD FACILITIES use is the use of a site for provision of railroad yards, equipment servicing facilities, or terminal facilities.


    RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY use is regular organized religious worship or religious education in a permanent or temporary building. The use excludes private primary or secondary educational facilities, community recreational facilities, day care facilities, and parking facilities. A property tax exemption is prima facie evidence of religious assembly use.


    RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT use is 24 hour supervision, counseling, or treatment for more than 15 residents not needing regular medical attention. This use includes alcohol and chemical dependency rehabilitation facilities, facilities to which persons convicted of alcohol or drug-related offenses are ordered to remain under custodial supervision as a condition of probation or parole, and residential care facilities and halfway houses for the emotionally ill.


    SAFETY SERVICES use is the use of a site for provision of public safety and emergency services, and includes police and fire protection services and emergency medical and ambulance services.


    TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER use is the use of a site for provision of a structure built exclusively to support one or more antennae for receiving or transmitting electronic data or telephone communications.


    TRANSITIONAL HOUSING use is the use of a site for the supervision or detention of more than 15 residents who are making the transition from institutional to community living. This use includes pre-parole detention facilities and halfway houses for juvenile delinquents and adult offenders, and overnight shelters for the homeless.


    TRANSPORTATION TERMINAL use is the use of a site for the provision of a facility for the loading, unloading, or interchange of passengers, baggage, or incidental freight or package express between modes of transportation, and includes bus terminals, railroad stations, airport terminals, and public transit facilities.

Source: Section 13-2-5; Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 990902-57; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. No. 20160623-090, Pt. 1, 7-4-16 ; Ord. No. 20190207-050 , Pt. 1, 2-18-19.