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  • (A)

    This section applies in a commercial recreation (CR) district.


    In this section, SHORELINE means:


    for Lake Austin, the 492.8 topographic contour line along the shores of Lake Austin; and


    for Lake Travis, the 681 topographic contour line along the shores of Lake Travis.


    This subsection applies to property located within 1000 feet horizontally of the shoreline of Lake Austin.


    The areas within 75 feet of the shoreline are excluded from impervious cover calculations.


    Development is prohibited on land with a gradient that exceeds 35 percent. This prohibition does not apply to a fence, driveway, road or utility that cannot be reasonably placed elsewhere, or a pedestrian facility.


    Impervious cover may not exceed:


    20 percent, on a slope with a gradient of 25 percent or less;


    10 percent, on a slope with a gradient of more than 25 percent and less than 35 percent; or


    if impervious cover is transferred under Subsection (C)(4), 30 percent.


    A person may transfer impervious cover in accordance with this subsection.


    Impervious cover may be transferred only:


    between tracts within a CR district; and


    from land with a gradient of 35 percent or less, to land with a gradient of 15 percent or less.


    Land from which impervious cover is transferred may not be developed. The land must either remain undisturbed or be restored to a natural state.


    A transfer of impervious cover must be described in a restrictive covenant that runs with the land, is approved by the city attorney, and is recorded in the county deed records.


    A permanent improvement is prohibited within 75 feet of the shoreline of Lake Austin or Lake Travis, except for a retaining wall, pier, wharf, boathouse, or marina, or a driveway to the structures.


    Outdoor storage of merchandise, material, or equipment is permitted if:


    the outdoor storage is incidental to a use located on the premises;


    the storage area is located on the rear 50 percent of the site;


    the storage area does not exceed:


    20 percent of the site; or


    for a marina use, recreational equipment sales use, or recreational equipment maintenance and storage use, 50 percent of the site; and


    the storage area is screened in accordance with the Environmental Criteria Manual and, except for watercraft, the stored items do not exceed the height of the screen.


    Except along a property line of a lot zoned for a residential use, the following merchandise may be displayed outdoors:


    artwork or pottery;


    flowers or plants;


    food products;


    handcrafted goods; and


    recreational equipment, including roller skates, bicycles, windsurf boards, and watercraft.


    Merchandise other than that described in Subsection (F) may be displayed outdoors during business hours if screened from view off-premises.


    At least 40 percent of a site, excluding dedicated right-of-way, must be left in a natural state. Up to 25 percent of a natural area may be used as a sewage disposal field. A natural critical area identified in the Comprehensive Plan must be left in a natural state.


    Landscaped areas at least ten feet wide are required adjacent to public streets and property zoned for residential use. Landscaped areas must contain trees, shrubs, and ground cover.


    Medians at least 5 feet wide are required between rows of parking spaces. Each median must contain either existing native trees or densely massed installed trees.


    The noise level of live music may not exceed 70 decibels, measured at the property line.

Source: Section 13-2-660; Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20090521-017.