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  • A.

    Applicability. The following table summarizes the applicability of this section:

    Standard Applies if the Principal Street Is: Applies to the Following:
    2.4.: Building Entryways Core Transit Corridor All zoning districts
    - Urban Roadway
    - Suburban Roadway
    - Internal Circulation Route
    - Highway
    - Hill Country Roadway districts
    All non-residential zoning





    At least one customer entrance must face and connect directly to the roadway or Internal Circulation Route where building frontage is provided consistent with the requirements of this Subchapter. A building entrance is not required under this subsection if the following requirements are met (See Figure 32.):

    (See Figure 32 set forth in Exhibit A attached to Ord. 20130606-088; Requirements for a principal entrance that does not face the principal street.)


    At least 80 percent of the net frontage length along the principal street must consist of continuous building facade that is built up to the clear zone (or supplemental zone if provided) regardless of the applicable building frontage requirements of Sections 2.2.2 through 2.2.5;


    The building must have a continuous shaded sidewalk linking the principal street and the building's principal entrance;


    The entrance must be less than 100 feet from the street-facing facade line of the building; and


    A row of shade trees between the building and the parking area must be provided at an average spacing not greater than 30 feet on center.


    Building entrances should be located at intervals of no more than 75 feet along the elevation facing the principal street. If building entrances are located more than 75 feet apart (or there is a single entrance point on a facade greater than 150 feet in length), the areas between the entrances (or from pedestrian-friendliness of the building along the principal street. (See Figure 33.)

    (See Figure 33 set forth in Exhibit A attached to Ord. 20130606-088)


    In no case shall this section require orienting building entryway toward a street with zoning of SF6 or lesser density.

Source: Ord. 20130606-088.