The city clerk shall submit the records management program to the city manager for approval. The records management program approved by the city manager is the City's records management program.
The records management program must:
comply with the Local Government Records Act;
to the extent practicable, standardize records management practices among City departments;
in cooperation with the commission, establish guidelines for the implementation of records control schedules;
establish training requirements for department records administrators and department records management team members;
establish guidelines for City information technology systems and services to ensure that the systems and services create, store, manage, protect, preserve, dispose of, and provide access to records in compliance with the records management program;
establish guidelines for the transfer of records when a function is transferred from one department to another department;
establish guidelines for the destruction of records, including the information that must be maintained in a destruction log;
establish procedures for the suspension of records destruction as allowed by Section 2-11-10 ( Destruction or Disposition of Records );
improve the efficiency of record-keeping;
enable the city clerk to perform the duties prescribed by this chapter;
establish guidelines and eligibility criteria for transferring records to microfilm, or to an electronic or digital format, including guidelines for the disposition of records that have been transferred;
provide adequate protection of the essential records of the City, including a disaster recovery plan for records;
regulate the operations and use of the records center serving as the depository of inactive records with continuing value to the City, except records that have been transferred to the Austin History Center for preservation as historical records; and
establish guidelines to ensure the preservation of long-term or permanent physical and digital records of the city.
Source: Ord. No. 20141120-015, Pt. 1, 12-1-14 .