§ 2-15-1. DEFINITIONS.
In this chapter:
ANONYMOUS COMPLAINT means a complaint in which the identity of the complainant is unknown, or the complainant wishes to remain unknown.
COMPLAINT means a verbal or written communication alleging that an officer may have violated a civil service rule established by the City of Austin Firefighters', Police Officers' and Emergency Medical Services Personnel's Civil Service Commission, and any expansion of the definition of a complaint established in a labor agreement with the Austin Police Association.
COMPLAINANT means a person alleging to be the victim of police misconduct in a complaint.
DEPARTMENT means the Austin Police Department.
DIRECTOR means the director of the Office of Police Oversight established in Section 2-15-2 of this chapter.
DISCIPLINE means a disciplinary suspension, demotion, uncompensated duty, written or oral reprimand, education-based discipline, or any combination of those actions.
INVESTIGATION means an administrative review of a complaint conducted by the department or other investigator in accord with Texas Local Government Code Chapter 143.
OFFICER means a commissioned police officer employed by the Austin Police Department.
OFFICE means the Office of Police Oversight established in Section 2-15-2 of this chapter.
Source: Ord. No. 20181115-016 , Pt. 2, 11-26-18.