Latest version.
  • (A)

    A candidate who signs a campaign contract shall include the following notice in all political advertising: "This campaign has agreed to comply with the contribution and expenditure limits of the Austin Fair Campaign Chapter."


    Except to the extent prohibited by the Federal Communications Act, a candidate who chooses not to sign a campaign contract shall include the following notice in all political advertising: "This campaign has not agreed to comply with the contribution and expenditure limits of the Austin Fair Campaign Chapter."


    The disclosures required by this section shall be clear and conspicuous:


    On printed political advertising, the disclosure shall be printed in sufficient type and size to be clearly readable, in two highly contrasting colors such as dark text on a light background, but in no case smaller than eight point font;


    On other forms of political advertising, including internet advertisement, television, and radio, the disclosure shall provide the reader, viewer, or listener with actual notice of the disclosure; and


    A disclaimer is not clear and conspicuous if it is difficult to read or hear, or if the placement is easily overlooked.


    The requirements of subsections (A) through (C) do not apply to bumper stickers, pins, buttons, pens, apparel, and similar small or impractical items upon which the notice cannot be conveniently printed.


    A candidate or other campaign representative who authorizes the publication of political advertising without the notice required by this section commits an offense.

Source: Ord. 20080925-079; Ord. 20100819-034.