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  • (A)

    It is the intent of the council that the listing of subjects assigned to council committees be construed broadly and be illustrative, so that every policy matter before the City has a council committee that may review the matter. By a favorable vote of a number of its members equal to a quorum, a council committee may create subcommittees.


    Council creates the following standing committees:


    The Audit and Finance Committee may review audit reports, matters related to the city auditor, the city clerk, internal services, bond oversight, purchasing and contract audits, taxation, financial policy, government performance, bonds and City debt, bond-funded programs, retirement systems, employee benefits, banking and investment policies, performance metrics and reporting, budget matters, affordability, and related matters. The Audit and Finance Committee shall also have oversight of the City's boards and commissions.


    The Mobility Committee may review land use as it concerns mobility, all transportation modes including, roads, aviation, public transit, pedestrian programs, bicycle programs, ground transportation, taxicab regulation, Lone Star Rail, core transit corridors, and related matters.


    The Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee may review issues related to the City's electric utility. The Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee is a committee of the whole council. Six members of the committee are a quorum, and the favorable votes of a majority of the quorum present at the meeting are required for the committee to take action. The committee may create subcommittees, including a subcommittee to address Austin Energy's business model.


    The Health and Human Services Committee may review social services, education, public health, health care services, animal welfare, sustainable food, social equity, veterans' affairs, populations at risk, and related matters.


    The Housing and Planning Committee may review housing and related land use and mobility issues, community development block grants, the City's comprehensive plan, the land development code, development processes, neighborhood planning, noise, annexations, and related matters.


    The Judicial Committee may review the municipal court, the Downtown Austin Community Court, and related matters, including making recommendations to the full council on the following:


    appointment of municipal court judges, including the presiding judge;


    evaluation of the performance of the presiding judge of the municipal court;


    consultation with municipal court judges on the development of performance criteria for the evaluation of municipal court judges under Section 2-10-11(B)(10) ( Presiding Judge );


    appointment of the clerk of the municipal court;


    appointment of the judge of the Downtown Austin Community Court; and


    evaluation of the performance of the judge of the Downtown Austin Community Court.


    Council committees may work jointly when the committees have overlapping subject matter. Council committees shall work cooperatively with each other, City departments, City boards, and bodies on which council members serve.

Source: Ord. No. 20150129-026, Pt. 1, 2-9-15 ; Ord. No. 20170216-014 , Pt. 1, 2-27-17; Ord. No. 20171012-014 , Pt. 1, 10-12-17.