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  • (A)

    The agenda and the back-up materials for a council committee meeting must be posted and open to the public in the same manner as a meeting of the full council for the committee to take action, receive public comment, or meet as a committee with another person who is not a council member or the mayor.


    A majority of the total number of members of a council committee is a quorum. The favorable votes of a majority of the council committee quorum present at the meeting are required for a council committee to take action.


    A member of the council may attend a meeting of any committee and participate in the deliberation, however only a member of the committee may vote and contribute to the formation of a quorum for a committee meeting.


    The chair of a committee shall preside over each meeting, and, in consultation with other committee members and with the assistance of staff, shall:


    set the time and place of each meeting of the committee;


    set the agenda for each meeting, provided that a chair must provide a reasonable setting for an item that qualifies under § 2-5-106 ( Committee Agendas ).


    The chair of a committee may allow the chair of a City board to provide context and history regarding an item which was reviewed by that City board.


    The vice chair of a committee shall perform the duties of the chair in the chair's absence.

Source: Ord. No. 20150129-026, Pt. 1, 2-9-15 ; Ord. No. 20160303-024, Pt. 4, 3-14-16 ; Ord. No. 20180510-019 , Pt. 2, 5-21-18.