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  • (A)

    The issue at a preliminary hearing shall be the existence of reasonable grounds to believe that a violation of a provision within the jurisdiction of the Ethics Review Commission has occurred. The complainant, or the legal counsel for the Ethics Review Commission in cases considered on the commission's own initiative, shall state the alleged violation and shall describe in narrative form the testimony and other evidence which would be presented to prove the alleged violation as stated in the written complaint. Statements at a preliminary hearing shall be under oath, but there shall be no cross-examination or requests for persons or evidence issued for the hearing. Members of the commission may question the complainant, legal counsel for the commission, or the respondent.


    The respondent shall have the opportunity to respond but is not required to attend or make any statement. The respondent may describe in narrative form the testimony and other evidence which would be presented to disprove the alleged violation. If the respondent agrees that a violation has occurred, the respondent may so state and the commission may consider the appropriate sanction or prosecution.


    The complainant and the respondent shall have the right of representation by counsel.


    At the conclusion of the preliminary hearing, the commission shall decide whether a final hearing should be held. If the commission determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a violation within the jurisdiction of the commission has occurred, the commission shall schedule a final hearing. If the commission does not determine that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a violation has occurred, the complaint is dismissed. A decision to conduct a final hearing is not a finding that a violation has occurred.


    The commission, at any time during the preliminary hearing, may also dismiss a complaint if the complaint does not allege conduct which would be a violation of a provision within the jurisdiction of the commission. Before a complaint is dismissed for failure to allege a violation, the complainant or the legal counsel for the commission shall be permitted one opportunity, within a period to be specified, to revise and resubmit the complaint.


    The complainant, legal counsel for the commission, and the respondent may ask the commission at a preliminary hearing to request certain persons and evidence for a final hearing, if one is scheduled.

Source: 1992 Code Section 2-3-44; Ord. 031204-9; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20120426-084; Ord. No. 20170209-005 , Pt. 12, 2-20-17.