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  • (A)

    The City shall annually:


    evaluate, with the assistance of interested persons, including people with disabilities or organizations representing people with disabilities, its current policies and practices and the effects thereof that do not or may not meet the requirements of this chapter;


    modify, after consultation with interested persons, including people with disabilities or organizations representing people with disabilities, any policies that do not meet the requirements of this chapter; and


    take, after consultation with interested persons, including people with disabilities or organizations representing people with disabilities, appropriate remedial steps to eliminate the effects of any discrimination that result from adherence to these policies and practices.


    The City shall maintain on file and make available for public inspection:


    a list of the interested persons consulted;


    a description of areas examined and any problems identified; and


    a description of any modifications made and of any remedial steps taken.

Source: 1992 Code Section 7-6-5; Ord. 031106-12; Ord. 031211-11.