Austin |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 6-1. AIR QUALITY. |
Division 1. General Provisions. |
§ 6-1-3. EXEMPTION.
The council may exempt a person from a requirement of this article if the council determines that the person cannot technically or economically comply with the requirement.
A person who seeks an exemption under this section must file an application with the department director that includes:
the review fee established by separate ordinance;
a description of the technical, practical, and economic viability of an alternative to the requirement for which an exemption is requested;
a description of the adverse health, safety, or environmental effects, if any, of compliance with the requirement for which the exemption is requested;
the length of time for which the exemption is requested, including an estimate of the date on which a technically and economically feasible alterative to the requirement for which an exemption is requested may become available;
a description of measures used by the applicant to reduce or eliminate the risk of release of an ozone-depleting compound, including a description of the potential use and effectiveness of a system to reclaim or recycle refrigerant; and
a description of the consequences of denial of the request.
The director shall review an exemption request and provide a recommendation to the Environmental Board.
The Environmental Board shall review the exemption request and the director's recommendation and provide a recommendation to the council.
The council shall consider the exemption request and the recommendations and approve or deny the request.
Pending consideration of an exemption request, the director may grant a temporary exemption for a period of not more than 90 days.
Source: 1992 Code Section 4-3-15; Ord. 031023-10; Ord. 031211-11.