Latest version.
  • (A)

    The director shall recommend and the city manager shall adopt water conservation guidelines that include:


    policies for compliance by city or other governmental departments; and


    the criteria for determining when a conservation stage takes effect or terminates.


    The city manager shall update the guidelines if the city manager determines that changed conditions of the city's water supply system, regulatory obligations, or other environmental or situational factors warrant or necessitate guideline adjustment.


    The city manager may order that the water use restrictions of Drought Response Stage One Regulations, Drought Response Stage Two Regulations, Drought Response Stage Three Regulations, or Emergency Stage Four Regulations take effect after determining that the order is necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare. The City Manager may base a conservation, drought, or emergency stage declaration or termination on any condition, occurrence, factor, or an assessment of all relevant circumstances that in the judgment of the City Manager support such action for any lawful purpose. The order is effective immediately following official public notice.


    Water use regulations of the Water Conservation Stage (Section 6-4-15) remain in effect until such time as the city manager orders termination of the stage in accordance with section 6-4-13(C), ( Water Use Guidelines ). Unless a drought or emergency stage is expressly declared by order of the City Manager, water use regulations of the Water Conservation Stage (section 6-4-15) automatically resume by default immediately upon any ordered termination of any drought or emergency stage.


    Any outdoor water use subject to the provisions of this Chapter shall occur only on a day designated for the applicable water use activity, property/facility type, and street number address classification indicated in the following table. A person may not conduct, authorize, or permit outdoor water use except in accordance with the designation schedule set out in the following table. In the following table, "EVEN" or "ODD" correspond to the street number of the physical property address where the outdoor water use occurs. The table below shall be referred to as "the Outdoor Water Use Schedule".

    Conservation Stage and Drought Response Stage 1 Watering Schedule
    Property Type
    Watering Day
    Residential Property - Hose-end
    Sunday and Thursday
    Public Schools Monday
    Commercial/Multi family - Automatic
    Residential - Automatic
    Residential - Automatic
    Commercial/Multi Family - Automatic
    Residential Property - Hose-end
    Wednesday and Saturday


    Drought Response Stage 2 and Stage 3 Watering Schedule
    Property Type
    Watering Day
    Residential Property - Hose-end
    Public Schools Monday
    Commercial/Multi family - Automatic
    Residential - Automatic
    Residential - Automatic
    Commercial/Multi Family - Automatic
    Residential Property - Hose-end



    The director may order temporary modification or adjustment to the Outdoor Water Use Schedule in the event of an unusual water system operational event, catastrophic occurrence, severe weather event, or other emergency, disaster situation, or occurrence necessitating the adjustment. A temporary modification or adjustment to the Outdoor Water Use Schedule shall be effective immediately upon official public notice and shall continue in effect for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) consecutive days. The director shall provide official public notice of the date upon which any temporary modification or adjustment to the Outdoor Water Use Schedule expires and the standard Outdoor Water Use Schedule resumes.


    The director shall monitor the daily supply and demand for water and make recommendations to the city manager about whether or when to implement or terminate water use restrictions in accordance with the Drought Contingency Plan in effect and kept on file with Austin Water Utility or when relevant to any other circumstances affecting continuity of service or public health, safety, or welfare.

Source: Ord. 20120816-004; Ord. No. 20160505-003, Pt. 4, 5-16-16 .