§ 6-5-1. DEFINITIONS.  

Latest version.
  • In this chapter:


    ADMINISTRATOR means the person responsible for administering or enforcing the applicable portion of this chapter. The administrator is the director or the health authority, as appropriate.


    APPROVED METHOD means a procedure for analysis of water or wastewater that is prescribed by:


    the 20th edition of Standard Methods For The Examination Of Water and Wastewater, published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association, and the Water Pollution Control Federation;


    guidelines published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 136; or


    a nationally recognized laboratory analysis manual approved by the director.


    DIRECTOR means the director of the Watershed Protection and Development Review Department.


    DISCHARGE, when used as a verb, includes to dispose of.


    DRAINAGE WATER includes storm water; roof run-off water; subsurface water; down-spout water; yard drain water; water from a fountain, pond, or swimming pool; water from a lawn spray, rainwater leader, or areaway; overflow from a cistern or water tank; and water discharged from a condensation system, including air conditioning, cooling, and refrigeration systems, other than water discharged from a condensing unit that the director determines does not produce a significant amount of condensate.


    EFFLUENT means a discharge from or the contents of a sanitary sewer, waste treatment or disposal plant, septic tank, or other facility or receptacle designed or used for the receipt, treatment, or disposal of human excreta or other waste.


    GARBAGE means solid waste from domestic or commercial preparation, cooking, dispensing, or manufacturing of food, or from the handling, storage, or sale of produce.


    HOUSEBOAT means a flat-bottomed or nearly flat-bottomed watercraft that is fitted for sleeping, cooking, cruising, or recreation. The term includes a barge or raft with an enclosed structure.


    INDUSTRIAL WASTE means liquid waste or a waterborne liquid, gaseous, or solid substance discharged by an industrial, manufacturing, trade, or commercial establishment, including a nonprofit organization or government agency. The term excludes sewage discharged from a plumbing fixture not required by the Plumbing Code to have a sand or grease trap, unless the sewage is commingled with industrial waste.


    LITTER means a discarded object or substance, and includes garbage, cut moss, weeds, or marine vegetation.


    MARINA means a fixed or floating structure used for living quarters, docking boats, fishing, or other recreational or commercial use located over or on the water's surface.


    MARINE TOILET means a toilet on or in a watercraft.


    MOTORBOAT means a watercraft propelled by an internal combustion engine or electric motor and includes a seaplane.


    OTHER WASTE includes ashes, cinders, sand, concrete, mud, straw, shavings, grass clippings, tree trimmings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, asphalt, plastics, rubber, rubber products, wood, whole nonhuman blood, paunch manure, hair or fleshing, entrails, lime slurry, lime residue, carbide waste, slop, chemical residue, paint residue, asbestos, and bulk solids.


    OWNER or OCCUPANT means a person using property from which wastewater is discharged into a storm sewer or watercourse or who is responsible for paying the water bill for the property.


    POLLUTION means an alteration of a physical, thermal, chemical, biological, or radiological quality of water, or the contamination of water, to the extent that:


    the water is harmful to a human, animal, plant, or property;


    the water threatens public health, safety, or welfare; or


    the pollution impairs the usefulness or public enjoyment of the water.


    SETTLEABLE SOLIDS has the meaning assigned to it by the 20th edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.


    SEWAGE means waterborne human or animal waste collected and discharged from a residence, building, factory, or institution, and includes ground water or surface water commingled with waste.


    WASTE or WASTEWATER means sewage, industrial waste, other waste, or drainage water.


    WATERCOURSE means a natural or artificial channel for the conveyance of water.


    WATERCRAFT means a boat or other structure designed to float on water, and includes a barge, marina, or other similar floating object.


    WATER SUPPLY means the Colorado River and its tributaries within the planning jurisdiction.

Source: 1992 Code Sections 4-1-1, 4-1-15, and 4-1-75; Ord. 031023-10; Ord. 031211-11.