The purpose of this section is to describe a method for developing the Probable Maximum
Flood (PMF) within the City of Austin jurisdiction. The PMF is calculated by obtaining
the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) for a specific storm duration and drainage
area. Typically, a PMF runoff model requires both a temporal and spatial distribution
of the PMP. However, if the drainage area is less than 10 square miles, the spatial
distribution is not required (i.e. the drainage area is considered small enough that
the PMP values can reasonably be considered point rainfall values).
The State of Texas has the primary regulatory authority for dams in Texas. The State's
Dam Safety Program is under the purview of the TCEQ and Title 30, Chapter 299 of the
Texas Administrative Code contains applicable rules. The primary guidance for the
analysis of dam performance during a PMF event can be found in the Hydrologic and
Hydraulic Guidelines for Dams in Texas. This manual and other dam safety and maintenance
manuals are available on the TCEQ's web site at
Source: Rule No.
, 3-14-19.