Numerous methods of rainfall-runoff computation are available on which the design of storm drainage and flood control systems may be based. The Rational Method is accepted as adequate for drainage areas totaling 100 acres or less. The National Resources Conservation Service (formerly the Soil Conservation Service) hydrologic methods (available in the NRCS TR-20, and the US Army Corps of Engineers' Hydrologic Engineering Center's HEC-HMS program) should be used for drainage areas larger than 100 acres but may also be used for drainage areas of any size. The method of analysis must remain consistent when drainage areas are combined and the method which applies to the largest combined drainage area should be used unless the situation requires the use of NRCS hydrologic methods (i.e., a detention facility connected to a downstream storm drainage system). The engineer can use other methods but must have their acceptability approved by the Director of the Watershed Protection Department.