§ 6.6.1. Baffled Apron (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Type IX)  

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  • Baffled aprons are used to dissipate the energy in the flow at a drop. They require no initial tailwater to be effective, although channel bed scour is not as deep and is less extensive when the tailwater forms a pool into which the flow discharges. The chutes are constructed on a slope that is 2:1 or flatter and extends below the channel bottom. Backfill is placed over one (1) or more bottom rows of baffles to restore the original streambed elevation. When scour or downstream channel degradation occurs, successive rows of baffle piers are exposed to prevent excessive acceleration of the flow entering the channel. If degradation does not occur, the scour creates a stilling pool at the downstream end of the chute, stabilizing the scour pattern. The simplified hydraulic design of the baffled apron is shown in Figure 6-3 in Appendix E of this manual.

    The general rules of hydraulic design of a baffled apron are as follows:


    Design Discharge. The chute should be designed for the full capacity expected to be passed through the structure. The maximum unit discharge may be as high as 60 cfs per foot for the 100 year storm.


    Chute Entrance. The flow entering into the chute should be well distributed laterally across the width of the chute. The velocity should be well below the critical velocity, preferably the value shown in the curve D of Figure 6-3 in Appendix E of this manual. The curve C in Figure 6-3 in Appendix E of this manual is the critical velocity in a rectangular channel, Vc=(gq)1/3.


    Chute Design. The chute is usually constructed on a 2:1 slope. The upstream end of the chute floor should be joined to the horizontal floor by a curve to prevent excessive vertical contraction of the flow. The upstream face of the first row should be no more than one (1) foot (vertically) below the high point of the chute.

    Based on the results of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation experiments, the greatest tendency to overtop the training walls occurs in the vicinity of the second and third rows of baffles. To prevent this overtopping, a partial baffle (1/3 to 2/3 of the width of a full baffle) should be placed against the training walls in the first row. This will place a space of the same width adjacent to the walls in the second row. Alternate rows are then made identical (i.e., rows 1, 3, 5, 7, etc., are identical; Rows 2, 4, 6, 8, etc., are identical). Four (4) rows of baffles are necessary to establish the expected flow pattern at the base of the chute.

    The height of the training walls on the chute should be three (3) or more times the baffle height, measured normal to the chute floor. Several rows of baffle piers are usually constructed below the channel grade to establish full control of the flow. At least one (1) row of baffles should be buried in the backfill which is used to restore the original bottom topography.


    Heights and Spacing of Baffle Pier. Baffle pier height, H, should be about 0.8 Dc to 0.9 Dc, as shown in Curve B in Figure 6-3 in Appendix E of this manual. Dc is the critical depth in a rectangular channel and determined by:

    D c = (q /g) 1/3 (Eq. 6-5)

    Baffle pier widths and spaces should be equal, up to 1.5 H but no less than H. The slope distance between rows of baffle piers should be 2H, twice the baffle height.