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  • The design of hydraulic structures in the urban environment requires an approach not encountered elsewhere because appearance must be an integral part of the design. The treatment of the exterior appearance should not be considered of minor importance.

    Parks. Hydraulic structures should not detract from the pleasures enjoyed in an urban park. Furthermore, parks and green belts may later be developed in an urban area in which the structure will play a dominant environmental role.

    Play Areas. An important consideration is that drainage structures often are an attraction for neighborhood children. It is almost impossible to make drainage works inaccessible to children, and therefore what is constructed should be made as safe as is reasonably possible. Hazards to children's safety should be avoided whenever possible.

    Concrete Surface Treatment. The use of textured concrete presents a pleasing appearance and removes form marks. Exposed aggregate concrete is also attractive but may require special control of the aggregate used in the concrete.

    Rails and Fences. The use of rails and fences along concrete walls provides a pleasing topping to an otherwise stark wall, yet provides a safety measure against the hazard of falling from an unprotected wall.