§ 7.2.4. Debris Fins.  

Latest version.
  • For conditions where more than one (1) box culvert is required, the upstream face of the structure shall incorporate debris deflector fins to prevent debris buildup. For multiple-pipe situations installations of debris fins may be used but are not required.

    The debris fin is an extension of the interior walls of a multiple-box culvert. The wall thickness shall be designed to satisfy structural requirements and reduce impact and turbulence to the flow.

    A debris fin is constructed to the height of the culvert. A fin length of one and one-half (1.5) times the height of the box culvert is required. Since the debris fins are subject to the same erosive forces as bridge piers, care must be taken in the design of the footing. A toewall at the upstream end of the debris fin and the apron is recommended. Figure 7-2 in Appendix D of this manual depicts the conceptual design for debris deflector fins. It should be noted that alternate types of wingwalls can be used other than the parallel shown in Figure 7-2 in Appendix D of this manual.