§ 7.1.0. GENERAL  

Latest version.
  • The function of a drainage culvert is to pass the 100-year design storm flow without causing excessive backwater or overtopping of the structure and without creating excessive downstream velocities. The designer shall keep energy losses and discharge velocities within allowable limits when selecting a structure that will meet these requirements. The design storm flow shall be determined by the hydrologic methods as set forth in Section 2 of this manual. The system shall accommodate the runoff from 25-year and 100-year frequency storms meeting the limitations for overflows at bridges and culverts set forth in Section 1.2.4.C and 1.2.4.D. The rules for manhole spacing described in Section 5.6.0 also apply to culverts. The Federal Highway Administration is a good source of information for the design of culverts and bridges, including the HY-8 software, Hydraulic Design Series publications, and Hydraulic Engineering Circulars. The Army Corps of Engineers' HEC-RAS software is also a good tool for analyzing systems that contain culverts or bridges.