§ 8.2.1. General  

Latest version.
  • The Regional Stormwater Management Program (RSMP) provides for the planning, design and construction of public regional drainage improvements, using fees paid by the owners of those developments. The RSMP is administered by the Watershed Protection Department. The RSMP uses a watershed-wide approach to analyze potential flooding problems, identify appropriate mitigation measures, and select site locations and design criteria for regional drainage improvements. These improvements may include regional detention ponds, channel modifications, improved conveyance structures, and voluntary floodplain buyouts. The RSMP is established in watersheds inside and outside of the City that are currently developing and have potential for flooding problems as undeveloped land is converted to impervious cover. In these watersheds, the RSMP allows developers to participate in the program in lieu of constructing on-site detention facilities if the proposed development will produce no additional adverse flooding impact to other nearby and downstream properties due to increased runoff. Existing limitations for RSMP participation include: the lack of conveyance or flooding problems in the downstream conveyance system, such as existing buildings in and near flood prone areas; undersized storm drain systems and substandard roadway crossings in the public right-of-way; and flood-prone tributaries and creeks.

    The fees charged for participation in the RSMP are non-refundable and are based upon the size of the development, the proposed land use and the development intensity. The fees are deposited in a dedicated fund and are allocated for the watershed in which each development is located. For additional information on the RSMP, please refer to the RSMP link on the Watershed Protection Department Programs page on the City of Austin's website, www.austintexas.gov.