§ 8.3.2. Performance Criteria for SWM Ponds  

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  • A.

    Detention ponds shall be designed to reduce post-development peak rates of discharge to existing pre-development peak rates of discharge for the 2-, 10-, 25- and 100-year storm events at each point of discharge from the project or development site. For the post-development hydrologic design of the SWM pond, any off-site areas which drain to the pond shall be assumed to remain in the existing condition. If off-site flows are conveyed through the SWM pond, the SWM pond outlet structure must be designed to safely pass 100-year fully developed off-site flows in accordance with the Safety Criteria set forth in Section 8.3.3.


    For design purposes, any pond with a drainage area larger than 64 acres shall be classified as a regional pond. Performance criteria for regional ponds shall be reviewed and approved by the Watershed Protection Department on a project-by-project basis. The determination shall be based on a preliminary engineering study prepared by a licensed engineer in the State of Texas.


    Maximum retention or "draw-down" time for flood detention ponds shall not exceed 24 hours from the time of peak storage to the time of complete emptying of the pond, as determined by hydrograph routing or other calculations acceptable to the City. This requirement does not apply to facilities in which retention or "draw-down" time is required to be greater than 24 hours. Only the portion of the volume within a water quality control available after 24 hours of drawdown time may be used or credited towards detention requirements.